Афанасьева, 6. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Test 1

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Sally Barker: her family and friends
Sally is thirteen. She and her family live in London. Sally goes to a London school. She loves her mum, dad and John. Sally helps her mum: she goes to the shops and washes the plates. Harry Barker, her dad, drives Sally to school in the morning: Sally hates buses.
Sally has a lot of friends at school. They meet at school in the morning and they meet in the evening too. They listen to music. Sally can play the piano well. She plays the piano to her friends and sings nice songs.
Misha и Sasha — братья-близнецы, но они совершенно разные: Misha любит читать и интересуется иностранными языками и музыкой, a Sasha любит спорт. Прочитай вопросы, которые задали мальчикам, когда мама повела их записываться в детские кружки, и впиши их в таблицу, решив, какие вопросы задавали Мише, а какие — Саше.
Can you read well?
Can you play the piano?
Can you count in English?
Can you sing English songs?
Can you speak English?
Can you read English books?
Can you drive a car?
Can you play ping-pong?
Can you play football?
Can you ride a bike?
Can you play volleyball?
Can you ride a horse?
Посмотри на таблицу и напиши об увлечениях девочки по имени Nina.
Nina loves reading books.
Nina loves listening to pop music.
Nina loves singing English songs.
Nina loves playing on the computer.
Nina loves riding a bike.
Nina loves flying a kite.
Nina likes riding a horse.
Nina likes playing volleyball.
Nina likes going to the shops.
Nina likes swimming.
Nina likes jumping.
Nina likes going to school.
Nina hates listening to sad songs.
Nina hates playing the piano.
Nina hates washing the floor.
Nina hates washing the dishes.
Nina hates cooking.
Nina hates feeding her little sister.
Напиши слова, данные в транскрипции.
listen piano music wash son sister friend new school computer
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