Афанасьева, 6. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Unit 1

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Прочитай предложения и обведи те из них, которые соответствуют картинкам.
1. Sam can’t swim very well.
2. Nina can play the piano very well.
3. Kate hates washing the plates.
4. Pete hates going to the shops.
5. Mrs Davis loves rock music.
6. Ron’s bike is old.
7. Dan is at school at 8:30.
8. The Browns are a family.
9. Harry drives a Ford.
10. Mary listens to music a lot.
Прочитай тексты и напиши к каждому из них подходящий заголовок.
1. Little Sisters.
2. Mother’s Helper.
3. What He Can’t Do.
4. Who Loves Music?
Прочитай следующие утверждения, согласись или не согласись с ними, поставь галочку в нужной клетке.
What can a baby do?
1. Babies can sit. – Yes
2. Babies can read. – No
3. Babies can sleep. – Yes
4. Babies can be hungry. – Yes
5. Babies can play. – Yes
6. Babies can stand. – No
7. Babies can cry. – Yes
8. Babies can fall. – Yes
9. Babies can see. – Yes
10. Babies can speak. – No
11. Babies can jump. – No
12. Babies can run.- No
13. Babies can smile. – Yes
Соедини начала и концы этих предложений, чтобы узнать, кто такой настоящий друг.
What is a good friend?
1. A good friend loves me.
2. A good friend helps me a lot.
3. A good friend likes what I like.
4. A good friend is not happy when I sad.
5. A good friend gives me what he/she has.
6. A good friend hates what I hate.
7. A good friend can’t laugh at me.
Подбери недостающие реплики.
1. — Look at your new sister, Max.
— I can teach her to play on the computer.
2. — Sam loves going to school.
— Yes. He has swimming classes five days a week.
3. — Who are these boys and girls?
— They are all my friends.
Попробуй угадать значения этих слов и словосочетаний. Напиши их.
1. a music lover — любитель музыки
2. a dishwasher — посудомоечная машина
3. a piano player — пианист
4. a home helper — домашний помощник
5. a weekday — день недели
6. a family doctor — семейный доктор
7. a family name — фамилия
8. a dog hater — противник собак
9. a shopper — любитель магазинов
10. a schoolgirl — школьница
11. a filmgoer — кинозритель
12. a computer game — компьютерная игра
13. a penfriend — друг по переписке
14. a schoolboy — школьник
Прочитай эти тексты, сравни их, найди и выпиши семь различий.
1. James has a small family, but Max has a big family.
2. James has one sister, but Max has five sisters.
3. James is a pupil, but Max is a student.
4. James has classes five days a week, but Max has classes six days a week.
5. James loves pop music, but Max loves rock music.
6. Max can play the piano very well, but James can play the piano, but not very well.
7. James likes playing on the computer, but Max hates playing on the computer.
Закончи текст, вставляя в него пропущенные глаголы из рамки.
Ann is fourteen. She and her family live in Glasgow. Glasgow is in Scotland. Ann’s friends go to school. They are pupils. They have classes five days a week. They all love sport. Jack and Jill can swim very well. Ann plays volleyball and basketball. Peter drives a car and rides horses. Betty runs and jumps very well. The friends love music too. Jill loves rock music but Betty loves pop music. Peter sings very well. He sings beautiful English songs. In the evening they all listen to these songs.
В подписях к этим картинкам есть ошибки. Исправь их.
1. On Sunday Jane goes to the zoo.
2. On Monday Jane’s sister goes to school.
3. On Tuesday Polly’s son has music classes.
4. On Wednesday Bob drives his car.
5. On Thursday Pete listens to rock music.
6. On Friday Alice washes her car.
7. On Saturday Roy helps his father.
Напиши, какие из этих животных могу т/не могут а) плавать, Ь) летать.
a) Horses can swim. Hens can’t swim. Ducks can swim. Chicks can’t swim. Ants can’t swim. Foxes can swim.
b) Horses can’t fly. Hens can’t fly. Ducks can fly. Chicks can’t fly. Ants can’t fly. Foxes can’t fly.
Составь и запиши вопросы для интервью, чтобы узнать, умеют ли твои друзья выполнять следующее:
1. Can you swim?
2. Can you sing?
3. Can you paint?
4. Can you play football?
5. Can you ride horses?
6. Can you drive a car?
7. Can you play on the computer?
8. Can you play the piano??
9. Can you cook?
10. Can you count very well?
11. Can you jump high?
12. Can you read in English?
Напиши слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1. class
2. piano
3. sister
4. listen
5. music
6. school
7. family
8. friend
9. wash
10. computer
11. new
12. son
Подбери к каждой картинке подходящую реплику.
1. d) Count the stars, please.
2. f) Wash the dishes, please.
3. c) Listen to my new music, please.
4. e) Please read the book.
5. a) Help! Help!
6. b) It’s eight o’clock. Go to school, please. You’re a teacher!
Найди в этом квадрате 14 слов, обозначающих то, что любит John.
What John loves
1) computer
2) football
3) cars
4) London
5) swimming
6) birds
7) school
8) Sundays
9) music
10) bikes
11) pets
12) chocolate
13) family
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