Афанасьева, 6. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Unit 2

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Прочитай эти словосочетания и напиши, что они значат по-русски.
The girl’s television — телевизор девочки
The girls’ bags — сумки девочек
Му sister’s dog — собака моей сестры
Му sisters’ dog — собака моих сестер
Her daughter’s pet — питомец ее дочери
Her daughters’ pet — питомец ее дочерей
Му cousin’s parents — родители моего кузена/кузины
My cousins’ parents — родители моих кузенов/кузин
His son’s bag — портфель его сына
His sons’ bags — портфели его сыновей
Our pupil’s book — книга нашего ученика
Our pupils’ books — книги наших учеников
Their student’s house — дом их студента
Their students’ house — дом их студентов
Your friend’s computer — компьютер вашего друга
Your friends’ computers — компьютеры ваших друзей
Прочитай тексты и реши, какая из картинок иллюстрирует каждый из них.
1. Dan’s family
2. Ron’s family.
Прочитай текст, закончи вопросы к нему и дай на них ответы.
1. Do they live in London?
No, they don’t. They live in Glasgow.
2. Do they live in Scotland?
Yes, they do.
3. Are they a big family?
Yes, they are: a mother, a father, their five children and their pets.
4. Is Mr Adams a farmer?
Yes, he is.
5. Are his parents farmers?
Yes, they are.
6. Do they have horses on the farm?
Yes, they do.
7. Are their children big or little?
Their children are Uttle.
8. Are the children good friends?
Yes, they are.
9. Do the girls like playing with their dog?
Yes, they do.
10. Does Jake hate jumping?
No, he doesn’t. He loves running and jumping.
11. Do Fred and Sam love riding their bikes?
Yes, they do.
12. Does Fred love watching television?
Yes, he does.
13. Does Sam love watching television?
No, he doesn’t.
14. Does Mr Adams teach English?
No, she doesn’t.
15. Does Mrs Adams play the piano?
Yes, she does.
Пятилетний John — большой выдумщик. Прочитай, что он говорит своей маме, и напиши, как она ему возражает.
1. — I ride horses very well.
— No, dear, you don’t ride horses very well.
2. — My father plays the piano.
— No, dear, your father doesn’t play the piano.
3. — My Granny lives in India.
— No, dear, your Granny doesn’t live in India.
4. — My cousins love frogs and mice.
— No, dear, your cousins don’t love frogs and snakes.
5. — I fly the plane with my father.
— No, dear, you don’t fly the plane with your father.
6. — I have ten dogs.
— No, dear, you don’t have ten dogs.
7. — My little brother drives cars very well.
— No, dear, your little brother doesn’t drive cars very well.
8. — My sister has classes seven days a week.
— No, dear, your sister doesn’t have classes seven days a week.
9. — My granddad hates music.
— No, dear, your granddad doesn’t hate music.
10. — I wash plates in the morning and in the evening.
— No, dear, you don’t wash plates in the morning and in the evening.
Подбери к рисункам недостающие реплики.
1. — Is this your hat, sir? b) — Oh, thanks very much.
2. — My husband always watches sports on television, d) — I think he loves sport a lot.
3. — Do you and your family often go to the cinema? a) — Never. We have a new colour television at home.
4. — I don’t like this new song, Peter! c) — OK, mum. I can teach Meg a new melody.
Прочитай текст и реши, какие фразы после текста соответствуют его содержанию, а какие нет.
Robin’s mother is Polly Scott – True
Polly lives in America – False
Robin goes to school – False
Robin never reads books – False
Robin loves music – True
Robin loves sport – False
Robin often runs and jumps – False
Robin never plays football – True
Robin doesn’t usually play tennis – True
He never rides horses – True
Robin hates going to the cinema – True
Robin loves watching television – False
Polly loves Robin very much – False
Напиши буквами слова, записанные транскрипционными значками.
1. granny
2. parent
3. mother
4. cousin
5. child
6. husband
7. brother
8. daughter
9. chair
10. television
11. sometimes
12. usually
13. always
14. watch
15. father
Напиши недостающие слова в подписях к картинкам.
1. a chair 2. chairs 3. television 4. televisions 5. a parent 6. parents 7. a child 8. children 9. a bear 10. bears 11. a mouse 12. mice
Закончи текст о девочке по имени Brenda, выбрав нужную форму глагола, и перепиши его.
Brenda Ross is from England. She lives with her family in Bristol. Brenda goes to school five days a week. She has no classes on Saturday and Sunday. The girl likes sport. She and her friends
often play volleyball and basketball. In the evening they go to the swimming bath where they swim. They all love swimming a lot.
Greg Peters — кинозвезда. Журналист берет у него интервью. Прочитай ответы кинозвезды и напиши вопросы журналиста.
1. — Do you go to the cinema?
— No, don’t. I never go to the cinema.
2. — Do you watch new films at home?
— Yes, I do. I sometimes watch new films at home.
3. — Do you like sport?
— Yes, I do. I like sport — tennis and golf.
4. — Do you go to the swimming bath?
— No, I don’t. I never go to the swimming bath. I don’t like swimming.
5. — And your wife Jane?
— No. she doesn’t. She doesn’t like sport.
6. — Does she like cooking?
— Yes, she does. She loves cooking and cooks very well.
7. — Does she like to go to the cinema or to the theatre?
— She likes theatre. She sometimes goes to the theatre with our daughter.
8. — How old is your daughter?
— She’s ten.
9. — Does she go to school?
— Yes, she does. She loves her school and her teachers.
10. — Thank you very much, Greg.
— You are welcome.
Закончи предложения, вставив, где необходимо, предлоги.
1. John is at school in the morning and in the afternoon.
2. Listen to me, please!
3. Does Bess play the piano well?
4. Do you like watching films on television?
5. My mother teaches music to five girls.
6. Old Mrs Biggs never goes to the cinema.
7. We have no classes on Sunday.
8. Polly goes to school five days a week.
Из данных слов и словосочетаний составь предложения и напиши их.
1. Tanya can’t speak English very well.
2. Little Rick doesn’t go to school.
3. Dan’s father drives his new car on Sunday.
4. My cousin doesn’t play tennis at school.
5. Nick’s friends never sing songs together.
6. My mother often plays piano in the evening.
7. These children sometimes go to the swimming bath.
Найди в этом квадрате 12 слов, обозначающих родственные отношения, и выпиши их.
7. granny
8. daughter
9. sister
10. parent
11. granddad
12. cousin
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