Афанасьева, 6. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Unit 4

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Прочитай текст о том, как два друга, Bob и Fred, проводят конец недели, и отметь, что они делают поодиночке, а что вместе.
get up – Bob
take Rex out – Bob
meet at the bus stop – together
go to the swimmins bath – together
swim – together
have lunch – together
go to music classes – Fred
go to the garage – Bob
help with the car – Bob
help in the garden – Bob
so to the cinema – together
watch videos – together
Прочитай правильно вопросы, которые составил Nick для того, чтобы взять интервью у одного знаменитого спортсмена.
1. Where do you live, sir?
2. Do your parents live with you?
3. Is your mother from Italy?
4. How old is she?
5. Do you have a car?
6. What make is it?
7. Do you like driving?
8. Are you often at home?
9. What food do you hate, sir?
10. What is your hobby?
Посмотри на рисунок, прочитай предложения и отметь, какие из них соответствуют действительности, а какие нет.
Where are they?
Mother is in the kitchen – No
Father is in the garage – No
The cat is in the living room – No
The girl is in the bedroom – Yes
The bov is in the bathroom – Yes
The dog is in the kitchen – No
The bus is in the garage – No
The car is in the garden – No
The horse is in the garden – No
The bird is in the garden – Yes
Ты знаешь, что самым лучшим гостини-цам присваивают класс пятизвездочных. Отметь звездочками класс гостиниц, в которых находятся описанные здесь комнаты.
Д *****
В **
Подбери недостающие реплики к этим рисункам.
1. How often do you take him out? — c) Three times a day: after breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. Happy birthday, dear! — b) Oh, thank you, I love flowers.
3. The baron’s dinner is ready. — Take it upstairs, Jack.
Попробуй догадаться о значении этих слов и словосочетаний.
1. bedtime — время ложиться спать
2. a video class — видеокласс
3. a one-room flat- однокомнатная квартира
4. a television show — телешоу
5. a flower show — выставка цветов
6. a classroom — кабинет (школьный класс)
7. a kitchen table — кухонный стол
8. a left-handed man — левша
9. a garden bench — садовая скамейка
Don очень обязательный юноша. Он живет точно по расписанию. Прочитай записи в его записной книжке и напиши, в какое время и что он готов делать сегодня.
1. Don is ready to have breakfast at eight o’clock in the morning.
2. Don is ready to take the dog out at half past eight in the morning.
3. Don is ready to go to his classes at a quarter past nine in the morning.
4. Don is ready to have lunch at twelve o’clock.
5. Don is ready to go to the bank at twenty past two o’clock in the afternoon.
6. Don is ready to go to the swimming bath at half past four o’clock in the afternoon.
7. Don is ready to go home at seven o’clock in the evening.
8. Don is ready to watch television at a quarter to nine.
9. Don is ready to go to bed at eleven o’clock in the evening.
Сделай подписи под этими рисунками.
1. an apple
2. a video recorder
3. a watch
4. a bookcase
5. a cupboard
6. a table
7. a sofa
8. an armchair
9. a picture
10. grass
11. a flower
12. a kitchen
13. a bedroom
14. a bathroom
15. an apple tree
Закончи предложения, выбрав нужные по смыслу местоимения.
1. Where is Boris? I don’t see him.
2. John is here. His fife is here too.
3. The Browns are a big family.
4. We are not happy. Help us, please.
5. Your garden is beautiful. Why are you sad?
6. This is a map of the USA. What colour is its flag?
7. Kate is a girl. She is little.
8. Mum, I’m here. Do you see me?
Посмотри на план и напиши, где находятся предметы мебели. Используй существительные и предлоги в рамке.
The bookcase is to the left of the door.
The cupboard is to the right of the door. The table is in the middle of the room.
The chairs are near the table.
The television is in front of the table.
The armchairs are in front of the television. The sofa is near the table.
The piano is behind the sofa.
The shelves are in front of the table.
Впиши в эти предложения недостающие предлоги там, где это необходимо.
1. What do we have for dinner, mum?
2. Please take me to the zoo, dad.
3. Can you see that big bird in the sky?
4. The big table is not in the middle of the room, it’s next to the window.
5. You can see the Browns children in the picture.
6. Help, please help! My kite is in the tree!.
7. Can you see that gift shop on your right?
8. Margaret, please take the children upstairs: it is their bedtime.
9. Our town cinema is in George Street.
10. I like going to the cinema with my friends.
11. It’s seven o’clock, the Barkers are at the table.
12. Alice usually goes home after classes.
13. — What’s the time? — It’s half past one, our lunch time.
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