Афанасьева, 6. Unit 3. Step 4

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A. Jim и Tim не виделись много лет. Когда они встретились, у них было много вопросов друг к другу. Прочитай ответы Тима и скажи, какие вопросы задавал ему Джим.
Jim: Do you have many children?
Tim: Yes, I do. I have a lot of children: three sons and four daughters.
Jim: Do you have many rooms?
Tim: No, we don’t. We have only five rooms in the house.
Jim: Do you have many cars?
Tim: No, I don’t. I have one car. But I have three bikes.
Jim: Do you have many pets?
Tim: Yes, we do. We have a lot of pets: two dogs, three cats and a lot of white mice.
Jim: Do you have many friends?
Tim: Yes, I do. I have a lot of good friends.
Jim: Do you have many books?
Tim: Yes, I do. I have a lot of books and I like them.
А. За свою долгую жизнь Captain Hook нашел немало сокровищ. Скажи, сколько золотых монет находится в каждом из его сундуков.
1. Captain Hook has twenty-two coins in his yellow chest.
2. Captain Hook has thirty-one coins in his purple chest.
3. Captain Hook has forty-four coins in his red chest.
4. Captain Hook has seventy-eight coins in his white chest.
5. Captain Hook has sixty-three coins in his blue chest.
6. Captain Hook has fifty-seven coins in his black chest.
7. Captain Hook has one hundred and two coins in his chest.
В. Сосчитай, сколько всего золотых монет имеет Captain Hook, и скажи, какой из этих ответов правильный.
2. Four hundred and ninety-three.
Составь вопросы и напиши их. Ответь на вопросы, написав цифры словами.
1. How many books does Val have? — Seventy nine.
2. How many little does Bess have? — Twenty three.
3. How many horses does Mr Brown have? — Ninety eight.
4. How many towns does the queen have? — Thirty one.
5. How many cars does Bob Green have? — Forty-four.
6. How many chicks does Granny have? — Fifty two.
Напиши предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.
1. Do they have many roses at their house?
2. My friend sees a lot of cars at his house in the morning.
3. These children don’t have many books in their school.
4. Do you have many friends in this room?
5. I don’t have many pets in my house.
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