Афанасьева, 6. Unit 5. Step 5

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Прочитай текст про себя, а затем выбери и прочитай вслух только те предложения из текста, в которых говорится о том, что Willy сейчас не делает.
I’m not reading, I’m not writing and I’m not counting.
But I’m not going to the swimming bath. I’m not running, I’m not playing football and I’m not riding my new bike.
Двое друзей нашли альбом со старыми фотографиями. К сожалению, некоторые фотографии оказались испорченными, и им приходится гадать, что делают изображенные на них люди. Что говорят друг другу друзья?
1. I think Jim is riding a bike. I think he is riding a horse.
2. I think Bill is reading a book. I think bill is writing a book.
3. I think Alice is drinking milk. I think Alice is drinking tea.
4. I think Dan is playing the piano. I think Dan is playing on the computer.
В этих диалогах не хватает одной из фраз — “I think so ” или “I don’t think so “. Заполни пропуски.
1. — Is Mark sleeping?
— I think so. It’s eleven o’clock in the evening.
2. — Is Andrew playing football in the park?
— I don’t think so. I can see him in the kitchen. He’s helping his granny.
3. — Are Bob and Ted reading books?
— I don’t think so. I can see them in the garden. They are playing.
4. — Is Dick listening to music?
— I think so. His mum is playing the piano.
5. — Is little Willy counting his toys?
— I don’t think so. He can’s count.
6. — Are Harry and Lizzy taking their dogs out?
— I think so. I can see them in the street.
В. Закончите и разыграйте в парах следующие диалоги. Используйте фразы “Excuse me” и “I’m sorry”.
1. — Can you take the dog out?
— I’m sorry, I’m reading.
2. — Excuse me, can you help me, please?
— I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m helping Liz.
3. — Can you wash the car?
— I’m sorry, I am cooking the dinner.
4. — Excuse me, where is the Zoo?
— It’s in Queen Street.
Напиши шесть предложений о том, что делают эти люди.
1. They are singing.
2. She is washing the plates.
3. They are watching television.
4. He is having milk.
5. She is going to the cinema.
6. He is opening the door.
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