Афанасьева, 6. Unit 6. Step 5

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Посмотри на картинку и скажи, что едят и пьют эти школьники в столовой и чего бы им сейчас хотелось.
Mary is eating soup, but she would like some cornflakes.
Colin is eating an apple, but he would like a banana.
Sam is drinking milk, but he would like some coka-cola.
Kate is eating a sandwich, but she would like some chocolate.
Dan is eating yogurt, but he would like some pizza.
Eddy is eating fish, but he would like some chicken.
Послушай текст и прочитай из него только фразы, в которых говорится о том, что находится на кухне у Баркеров.
There is a big table and some cupboards in the Barkers’ kitchen. There are cups, plates and dishes in the cupboards. There are bright mugs on the shelves. On the big table there are some vegetables. There is some bread and milk in the middle of the table. There are some apples but there are no oranges or bananas on the table. There are some beautiful green plants on the windowsills.
Скажи по-английски, что есть и чего нет в различных местах.
an egg — in the egg-cup
There is an egg in the egg-cup.
a sandwich — on the plate
There is a sandwich on the plate.
a hamburger — on the dish
There is a hamburger on the dish.
no orange — on the cupboard
There is no orange on the cupboard.
no apple — on the bench
There is no apple on the bench.
no pie — on the plate
There is no pie on the plate.
Скажи, какие из изображенных на картинке предметов присутствуют или отсутствуют на кухне.
There is a television in the kitchen.
There is a teddy bear on the chair.
There are three chairs in the kitchen.
There a table in the middle of the kitchen.
There are some bananas on the table.
There is some butter on the table.
Напиши, что с удовольствием едят пришедшие в ресторан Баркеры.
Harry barker is enjoying his fish and vegetables.
Margaret Barker is enjoying her chicken salad.
John Barker is enjoying his chicken-and-rice.
Sally Barker is enjoying her green salad and ham.
Mary Barker is enjoying her pizza.
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