Афанасьева, 6. Unit 7. Step 4

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В прошлом году Roy путешествовал no Европе. Посмотри на карту и скажи, в каких городах он побывал в течение года.
1. Last January Roy was in Moscow
2. Last March Roy was in Rome.
3. Last June Roy was in Paris.
4. Last July Roy was in Madrid.
5. Last August Roy was in Berlin.
6. Last October Roy was in London.
В. Закончи вопросы, которые приятель задал Рою (упр. 2), расспрашивая его о путешествии по Европе.
1. Were you in Moscow in January? — Yes, I was.
2. Were you in Paris in March? — No, I wasn’t.
3. Were you in Paris in June? — Yes, I was.
4. Were you in Madrid in July? — Yes, I was.
5. Were you in Berlin in July? — No, I wasn’t.
6. Were you in London in October? — Yes, I was.
7. Were you in London in September? — No, I wasn’t.
Посмотри на рисунки и, используя слова из задания 6, скажи, какая была погода на прошлой неделе в Шотландии.
a) Monday was warm.
b) Tuesday was rainy.
c) Wednesday was cloudy.
d) Thursday was sunny.
e) Friday was windy.
f) Saturday was snowy.
g) Sunday was foggy.
Прочитай, как семейство Баркеров провело прошлое воскресенье, а затем выполни за-дания после текста по образцу.
А. Ответь на вопросы письменно.
1. Yes, it was. Last Sunday was warm.
2. Yes, there were. There were some clouds in the sky.
3. Yes, he was. John was in the zoo with his friends.
4. Yes, they were. In the evening the Barkers were at home.
5. No, they weren’t. They were at home in the evening.
В. Напиши вопросы к этим ответам.
1. Was Sally happy?
2. Was there a bone in the park?
3. Were there any toys in the park?
4. Were the Barkers with their daughter in the park?
5. Were the Barkers tired but happy in the evening?
Соедини английские и соответствующие им русские фразы.
1. f. 2. b. 3. g. 4. h. 5. с. 6. е. 7. j. 8. i. 9. d. 10. а.
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