Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Рабочая тетрадь, Unit 7. Шаг 5

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Послушай и отметь фразы.
1) В;
2) b;
3) а;
4) а;
5) b.
Замени картинки словами.
1) A lot of girls like to play computer games.
2) Do women play football?
3) My granny has two white geese and four grey geese.
4) Families like to go to the cinema.
5) Deer are very strong animals.
Напиши, чего у тебя много.
1) I have a lot of friends and games.
2) I have lots of books, pens and pencils.
3) I have a lot of toys and toy cars.
4) I have lots of sweets.
5) I have lots of balls.
6) I have a lot of caps.
Подбери реплики к картинкам:
1. b);
2. с);
3. а).
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