Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 3. Шаг 3, страница 56

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Послушай и скажи, какая из фраз звучит в каждой паре.
1) b;
2) а;
3) а;
4) а;
5) а;
6) b;
7) b.
Скажи это иначе.
1) These are big and purple flowers.
2) This is a good and hot shower.
3) This is a funny and dark brown chimp.
4) This is a little, orange and yellow fish.
5) This is a little and green apple.
6) This is an old and dark blue bike.
7) This is a cold and grey morning.
8) This is a dark and hot night.
Скажи, какого цвета лепестки у этой ромашки.
A. One is grey. One is red. One is blue. One is brown. One is purple. One is black. One is white.
One is purple. One is green. One is yellow. One is pink. One is orange.
B. I like purple.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Послушай и назови цвета:
1) white;
2) dark brown;
3) dark green;
4) red and blue;
5) blue and purple;
6) black and yellow;
7) pink;
8) red.
В парах обсудите цвета предметов и животных на картинке.
What colour are the trees? — They are green.
What colour are the flowers under the tree? — They are pink.
What colour is the mouse? — It’s white.
What colour is the frog? — It’s green.
What colour is the stone? — It’s grey.
What colour are the plants? — They are green.
What colour is the house? — It’s blue.
What colour are the birds? — They are grey.
В парах задайте вопросы о цвете предметов и ответьте на них.
1) What colour is the sky? — It is blue.
2) What colour is the night? — It is black.
3) What colour is the sun? — It is yellow.
4) What colour is the evening? — It is dark grey.
5) What colour is the morning? — It is red and orange.
6) What colour is the rainbow? — It is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, dark blue and purple.
7) What colour are apples? — They are green and red.
8) What colour are oranges? — They are orange.
9) What colour are lemons? — They are yellow.
10) What colour are plums? — They are purple.
11) What colour are bananas? — They are yellow.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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