Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 3. Шаг 4, страница 60

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Послушай и сравни ответы с рисунками и скажи, в каких случаях диктор ошибся.
The coat is not black, it is grey.
The kite is not orange and green, it is red and green.
The telephone is not green, it is black.
Roses are not white, they are blue.
А. Работа с аудиозаписью.
В. Чтение.
Скажи, какие вопросы задают Салли члены ее семьи.
1) — What colour is the jug? — It’s light blue, mum.
— Is it big? — Yes, it is.
2) —What colour are the mugs? — They are red and white, granddad.
— Are they big? — Yes, they are:
3) — What colour are the cups? — They are bright pink, Emma.
— Are they big? — No, they aren’t.
4) — What colour are the cars? — They are bright yellow.
— Are they big? — No, they aren’t, David.
5) — What colour are roses? — They are white and yellow, grandma.
— Are they big? — Yes, they are. They are big.
6) — What colour is the boat? — It is dark blue.
— Is it big? — No, it isn’t. It is little.
Посмотри и скажи, что эти дети могут видеть.
Mike can see English books. Sally and Richard can see a clock. Wendy can see a door. Jack can see a window. Mary can see a desk and two chairs.
Скажи, какого цвета предметы и животных могут или не могут видеть тролль и эльф.
Emily can see a little brown bird but she can’t see a brown bear.
Emily can see a grey mouse but she can’t see a green frog.
Emily can see a green tree bur she can’t see a blue lake.
Harry can see a green frog but he can’t see a grey mouse.
Harry can see a yellow boat and a blue lake but he can’t see a green tree.
Harry can see a brown bear but he can’t see a brown bird.
Скажи, что нельзя увидеть в школе.
We can’t see a frog at school.
We can’t see a bear at school.
We can’t see a boat at school.
We can’t see an airplane at school.
We can’t see an elf at school.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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