Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 3. Шаг 6, страница 66

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Скажи, что говорят англичане, когда хотят узнать:
1) Where are from?
2) How are you?
3) What’s your name?
4) How old are you?
5) What colour is your car?
6) What’s the time?
7) How is your father?
8) Where are you?
9) What is that?
10) What is this?
Ответь на вопросы диктора.
1. My name is Nick (Helen).
2. I’m from (Moscow) in Russia.
3. I’m at school now.
4. I’m fine, thank you.
5. I’m nine.
6. It is brown.
7. They are blue.
8. Yes, I am. I’m a pupil.
9. I’m a schoolboy (schoolboy).
10. I’m happy.
Закончи предложения:
1) rooms;
2) boy;
3) girl, purple;
4) pilot, airplane;
5) rainbow;
6) oranges, grapes;
7) bike, horse;
8) birds;
9) turtles, fish;
10) white, yellow and purple.
Скажи, что тебе нравится.
I like little grey sparrows. I like white roses. I like strong boys. I like new books. 1 like the bright rainbow. I like green hills. I like bright colours.
Закончи предложения c can или can’t:
1) can’t;
2) can;
3) can’t;
4) can;
5) can’t, can;
6) can;
7) can’t;
8) can.
Опиши предметы, людей и животных на рисунке.
Harry is strong. The house is low. The sky is light blue. Grass is bright green, Emily is thin and weak. The turtle is old and slow. The mouse is fat.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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