Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 4. Шаг 2, страница 77

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Послушай и скажи, как зовут этих людей на этих рисунках.
Sue is a cook (3). Sara is not very young (1). Sally is a small girl (2).
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Посмотри на картинки и опиши людей, животных и предметы.
1) Tom is young. Bill is not very young. Fred is not very old. Sam is very old.
2) Ben is very tall. Ken is tall. Harry is not short. Rob is very short.
3) The grey cat is thin. The black cat is not thin. The orange cat is fat. The blue cat is very fat.
4) The green bike is very good. The blue cat is not good. The red bike is bad. The black bike is very bad.
5) Sandy is very strong. Dan is strong. Bob is not weak. David is weak.
6) The pink princess is very happy. The yellow princess is happy. The green princess is sad. The blue princess is very sad.
Измени предложения на более вежливые.
Mary Brown is not very old woman. Your room is not very clean. Lizzy is not very strong. Rob is not very tall boy. This queen is not very good. Your bike is not very new.
Закончи вопросы с противоположным значением.
1) Is the pig fat or thin?
2) Are the windows clean or dirty?
3) Is that street long or short?
4) Are the cats strong or weak?
5) Is the shelf high or low?
6) Is the girl big or little?
7) Are they sad or happy?
8) Is the book thin or thick?
Закончи предложения с подходящими прилагательными.
1) small; 2) fat; 3) strong; 4) weak; 5) clean, dirty; 6) high; 7) low; 8) long.
Закончи предложения.
1) She likes birds. 2) They like horses. 3) They like video games. 4) We like apple pies. 5) We like birch trees. 6) I like long coats. 7) He likes big long bones. 8) She likes short dresses. 9) You have a good friend. You like good friends.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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