Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 4. Шаг 6, страница 91

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Послушай и скажи, сколько лет каждомy в семье Смитов.
Andy is nineteen. Tom and Nick are fifteen. Sara is seventeen. Mary is twenty. Sue is six.
Скажи по-английски.
1) Good night! 2). Where are you from? 3) What’s the time? 4) How old are you? 5) I’m glad to see you. 6) Good morning! 7) What’s your name? 8) How are you? 9) What colour is the house?
Закончи предложения.
1) Is this pig clean or dirty? 2) Are cats strong or weak? 3) Is Fred short or tall? 4) Is the pilot young or old? 5) Is Ann big or little? 6) Is your street short or long? 7) Are you sad or happy? 8) Is the wall high or low? 9) Is his car old or new? 10) Is the sky light or dark? 11) Is the tower low or tall? 12) Are the socks long or short?
Реши примеры.
1) Eleven plus three is fourteen.
2) Seven plus thirteen is twenty.
3) Eight plus nine is seventeen.
4) Six plus eight is fourteen.
5) Ten plus ten is twenty.
6) Five plus fourteen is nineteen.
7) Seven plus seven is fourteen.
8) Nine plus six is fifteen.
9) Four plus twelve is sixteen.
10) Fifteen plus two is seventeen.
Прочитай текст и выполни задание из учебника.
Tom and Meg Brown have one sheep, one dog, six cows, four horses and five pigs.
Прочитай текст из задания 5 и ответь на вопросы.
1) It is not big. 2) Meg and Tom are not very young. 3) I can see two horses. 4) They are red and black. 5) The horses are strong. 6) I can see three cows. 7) The cows are under the tree. 8) The pigs are not very clean. 9) Bingo is nine. 10) Yes, he can.
А. Скажи, что Кевин любит и умеет делать, и как.
1) Kevin likes to dance. He can dance but not very well.
2) Kevin likes to count. He can count very well.
3) Kevin likes to drive a car. He can drive a car but not very well.
4) Kevin likes to skate. He can skate but not very well.
5) Kevin likes to ski. He can ski very well.
6) Kevin likes to write English texts. He can write English texts very well.
В. Скажи, что любишь делать ты, и как.
I like to count. I can count very well. I like to ski. I can ski but not very well. I like to skate. I can skate very well.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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