Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 4. Шаг 7, страница 94

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Послушай и скажи, что верно.
1) My cat is not fat.
2) The little pig is not clean.
3) The trees by the lake are not low.
4) The black tower is not new.
5) My parents are not old.
6) The little chick is not strong.
7) James Robinson is not tall.
8) These are not high benches.
9) The new coat is not short.
10) The old book is not thin.
Прочитай, послушай и скажи, что верно.
Верными являются 3, 5, 6, 7 и 9 предложения.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
А. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.
1) Yes, it is. 2) The town is small. 3) It is clean. 4) The streets in Blackton are short and narrow. 5) The windows are white and the walls are green. 6) Yes, they can. They can read and write very well. 7) Yes, they are.
B. The school is not very small. It has thirteen rooms and a hall. The windows and doors are white, the floors are brown and the walls are green.
Прочитай ответы и назови вопросы.
1) How are you?
2) What’s your name?
3) How old are you?
4) Where are you from?
5) What’s your telephone number?
6) Can you count?
7) Are you happy?
Посмотри и скажи, как эти люди умеют танцевать.
Betty, Jeff and Sally King can dance but not very well.
Tommy and Hob can’t dance at all.
Jane Finch, Ben Ross and Robin can dance very well.
Скажи, что ты умеешь делать хорошо, не очень хорошо, или совсем не умеешь.
I can’t cook at all. I can count very well. I can jump, run and play ping-pong well. I can read and speak English but not very well. I can’t drive a car at all. I can ski and skate but not very well. I can dance and sing well. I can ride a bike but not very well.
Jane Finch, Ben Ross and Robin can dance very well.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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