Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 5. Шаг 1, страница 99

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Послушай и скажи, какой праздник у мальчика по имени Робин.
Robin has his birthday. (У Робина день рождения).
A. Дядя Робина хочет узнать, сколько лет гостям. Ответь на его вопросы.
1) Robin is twelve. And how old are you, Kirn? — I’m eleven.
2) Kirn is eleven. And how old are you, Sandy? — I’m eight.
3) Sandy is eight. And how old are you, Mark? — I’m thirteen.
4) Mark is thirteen. And how old are you, Bill? — I’m fourteen.
5) Bill is fourteen. And how old are you, Lizzy? — I’m nine.
6) Lizzy is nine. And how old are you, Polly? — I’m fourteen.
В. Спроси у соседа, сколько лет гостям и пусть он ответит.
How old is Sandy? — She is eight. How old is Mark? — He is thirteen. How old is Bill and Polly? — They are fourteen. How old is Lizzy? — She is nine. How old is Robin? — He is twelve.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Скажи, сколько семей проживает в отеле The Blue Moon и назови их.
1) The Griffins.
2) The Greens.
3) The Harrisons.
4) The Martins.
5) The Sprakes.
Скажи, какие из этих семей говорят по-английски.
The Greens, the Griffins, the Finns, the Browns.
Закончи предложения c it’s или its.
1) I can see a big dog. Its name is Rex.
2) Is your pet a cat? What is its name?
3) Where is my teddy bear? It’s on the chair.
4) Jane has a doll. It’s in the doll house.
5) What colour is the ball? It’s red.
6) What time is it? It’s twelve o’clock.
7) Where is your school? It’s in Green Street.
Закончи фразы словами с противоположным значением.
1) Is the sheep fat or thin?
2) Are these boys strong or weak?
3) Is Fred short or tall?
4) Is your dog young or old?
5) Is the town big or small?
6) Is that bench high or low?
7) Is their street long or short?
8) Are the pigs clean or dirty?
9) Are these games old or new?
10) Is the sky dark or light?
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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