Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 1. Unit 5. Шаг 3, страница 106

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Послушай поздравления и назови имена тех, кого поздравляют.
Raymond, Jenny, Maggy, Robin.
Посмотри на картины и найди 10 отличий.
In A the coins are by the plate. In В the coins are on the plate.
In A the robot is on the shelf. In В the robot isn’t on the shelf.
In A the boy has a ship in his hands. In В the boy has a lorry in his hands.
In A the girl has a short coat. In В the girl has a long coat.
In A the train is long. In В the train is short.
In A the doll has a red hat. In В the doll has a yellow hat.
In A the bear is big. In В the bear is small.
In A the cap is grey. In В the cap is purple.
In A the snails is happy. In В the snail is sad.
In A three birds are in the cage. In В two birds are in the cage.
Прочитай и скажи, сколько мужчин и сколько женщин.
6 женщин — Mrs Scott, Ms. Rose Selwood, Miss Jane Finch, Mrs Sally King, Miss Carlson,
Miss Toby.
4 мужчин — Mr. Potter, Mr. Harrow, Mr. John King, Mr. Toby.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
Прочитай и скажи, что получил Билли на день рождения.
A toy train, a new video game.
Прочитай предложения, в которых есть новые слова.
His family is not very big: his mother, Mrs Mary Harrison, his wife, May Harrison, and his son Billy. His birthday cake with 13 candles is on the table. Billy and his friends are in the room. “These are your presents»,- say the boys.
А. Скажи, какие предложения не соответствуют содержанию текста.
1); 4); 5); 6); 7).
В. Скажи, какие новые игрушки есть у Билли.
Now Billy has a toy train and a new video game.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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