Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 2. Unit 6. Шаг 1, страница 3

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Послушай, посмотри и найди 5 ошибок.
Alice can’t see three birds, she can see one bird.
The walls in the room aren’t bright yellow, they are bright green.
The door isn’t white, it is yellow.
The floor isn’t dark grey, it’s brown.
You can’t see a pointer, you can see two English books on the table.
Заверши предложения, выбрав правильную формy глагола.
1) I like … and Mary likes
2) My dad reads …
3) My friend and I dance …
4) Mr. Harris rides …
5) Little Roy sleeps …
6) … We sing …
7) Horses and cows have …
8) May says …
Прочитай и вставь глаголы в нужной форме.
At seven a.m. Alec is in the park. Alec runs in the park. His dog Spot runs with him. Alec and Spot jump and play in the park together. In the afternoon Alec is at school. He reads English and Russian books. He speaks English too. He can speak English but not very well. In the evening Alec plays with his toys or meets his friends. They swim or ride their bikes. Alec helps his mother too. They like to cook together.
Прочитай и найди соответствия людей и названия профессий.
1) г;
2) е;
3) ж;
4) в;
5) д;
6) з;
7) а;
8) б.
Работа с аудиозаписью.
А. Закончи предложения, используя названия профессий и занятий.
1. Не is a tennis player.
2. She is a singer.
3. He is a good runner.
4. He is a teacher.
5. She is a cooker.
6. She is a good skater.
7. He is a farmer.
8. She is a good skier.
Работа с аудиозаписью. Повтори рифмовку за диктором.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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