Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 2. Unit 6. Шаг 7, страница 25

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Обзор раздела 6

Послушай и ответь на вопросы.
1) Do cows have wings? — No, they don’t.
2) Do horses eat oranges? — No, they don’t.
3) Do horses swim? — Yes, they do.
4) Do all birds sing? — Yes, they do.
5) Do cats like apples? — No, they can’t.
6) Do pigs have rings? — Yes, they have.
7) Do books have pages? — Yes, they do.
8) Do teachers have pointers? — Yes, they have.
9) Do pupils play football at school? — Yes, they do.
10) Do young boys and girls drive cars? — No, they don4.
Послушай и скажи, как тексты соотносятся с рисунками.
а) Второй текст;
b) третий текст;
с) первый текст.
Посмотри и, выбери правильную подпись к картинам.
1. а);
2. а);
3. а);
4. b);
5. b);
6. а);
7. b);
8. a).
1. а);
2. b);
3. а);
4. а);
5. а);
6. b).
Прочитай и скажи, почему великану не нравится Флорида и ответь на вопросы.
Jack does not like Florida: he is hot, he is thirsty and tired, he can’t ski or skate in Florida.
1) Yes, he is.
2) He is in Florida now.
3) He is sad.
4) Yes, he does.
5) Yes, he does.
6) Yes, he does.
7) Yes, he does.
8) Yes, he does.
9) No, he can’t.
10) No, he doesn’t.
Прочитай и составь о себе похожее высказывание.
My name is Olga (Helen, Nick…). I’m nine. I’m from. Moscow (Pscov, St.Petersburg) My telephone number is 685 35 75. I have a family. My family is not very big. I have a father, a mother, a brother and a grandma. I have a pet. It’s a little dog. His name is Dick. I like my pet.
Узнайте, что ваши собеседники любят и что умеют делать.
Can you read?
Do you like to read English books?
Do you play football in the morning?
Can you ride a horse?
Can you ski and skate?
Do you like to cook?
Do you dance and sing?
Can you ride a bike?
Can you swim?
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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