Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 2. Unit 7. Шаг 2, страница 33

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Послушай и скажи, кто ходит в одно и то же место.
Mrs Linda Reed and Bill Gordon go the cinema on Sundays.
Заверши предложения и используй глаголы в нужной форме.
Have, are, is, is, is, are, go, are, are, like, plays, dances, is, have, go.
Задайте друг другу вопросы и ответьте на них.
— Do you go to the cinema? — Yes, I do.
— Do you go to the shops? — No, 1 don’t:
— Do you help your parents? — Yes, I do.
— Do you play computer games? — Yes, I do.
— Do you read books? — Yes, I do.
— Do you have pets? — No, I don’t.
— Do you play with your brother or sister? — Yes, I do.
— Do you like ice cream? — Yes, I do.
— Do you have good friends at school? — Yes, I have.
— Do you like English? — Yes, I do.
А. Закончи вопросы:
1)… or to skate?
2) … or football?
3) … or run?
4) … or apples?
5)… or horses?
6)… or to the park?
7)… or jump?
8)… or a car?
В. Прочитай ответы и скажи, какими были вопросы.
1) Do they run by the lake or by the school?
2) Does she read English or Russian books?
3) Do you like cake or ice cream?
4) Do you play with your parents or friends?
5) Does he go to the shop in the afternoon or in the evening?
6) Does this dog sleep in the hall or in the street?
7) Does she dance or sing well?
8) Does he like to go to the cinema or to the skating rink?
А. Работа с аудиозаписью.
В. Чем отличаются предложения 5, 6 и 7?
В 3-ем лице ед. числа к вспомогательному глаголу добавляем окончание “s” или “es”.
Прочитай и расскажи о привычках брата по имени Эд.
1) Ed doesn’t like football.
2) Ed doesn’t ride horses very well.
3) Ed doesn’t drive his car very well.
4) Ed doesn’t swim in the lake.
5) Ed doesn’t skate very well.
6) Ed doesn’t ski very well.
7) Ed doesn’t have a family.
8) Ed doesn’t have pets.
Прочитай и расскажи о привычках Хэрри и Эмили.
Harry, the troll and Emily, the elf.
Harry likes to play football and tennis. In the morning he swims in the lake or drives his little red car.
Emily plays with ants and bees in the morning. She likes to dance, sing and read books.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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