Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 2. Unit 7. Шаг 3, страница 37

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Послушай и скажи, что Марго Смит делает или не делает в разные дни недели.
On Monday Margo drives to the bank but doesn’t cook.
On Tuesday Margo goes to the shops but she doesn’t go to the park.
On Wednesday Margo goes to the cinema but she doesn’t drive to the lake.
On Thursday Margo plays tennis but she doesn’t meet her friends.
On Friday Margo goes to the park but she doesn’t go to the cinema.
On Saturday Margo cooks for her friends but she doesn’t read books.
Посмотри и скажи, что они обычно делают или не делают.
9) Mr. White cooks but he doesn’t write books.
10) Jack feeds his dog but he doesn’t cook.
11) Sue plays ping-pong but she doesn’t play football.
12) Mrs Biggs drives a car but she doesn’t ride a horse.
13) May rides a bike but she doesn’t drive a car.
14) Little Sam says mum but he doesn’t read a book.
15) Willy reads a book in bed but he doesn’t run.
16) Nick sings a song but he doesn’t dance.
Соедини фразы из А и В.
1) h;
2) а;
3) f;
4) с;
5) е;
6) g;
7) b;
8) d.
А. Преврати приказания из задания 3 в вежливые просьбы.
a) Sit down, please,
b) Sing the song, please,
c) Read the book, please,
d) Please go to school,
e) Please write the text,
f) Help your mother, please,
g) Go to the bank, please,
h) Stand up, please.
В. Один благодарит, другой отвечает «Пожалуйста».
1) Not at all.
2) Not at all.
3) You are welcome.
4) Not at all.
5) Not at all.
6) You are welcome.
Попроси мальчика что-то не делать.
• Don’t go the shop, Mark.
• Don’t play tennis, Mark.
• Don’t skate, Mark.
• Don’t swim in the pond, Mark.
• Don’t ski, Mark.
• Don’t drive a car, Mark.
• Don’t ride a horse, Mark.
• Don’t feed dogs, Mark.
• Don’t go to school, Mark.
А. Работа с аудиозаписью.
В. Чтение.
А. Прочитай сначала названия диких, а затем домашних животных.
Bear, fox, elephant, giraffe, kangaroo, crocodile, tiger, chimp.
Cow, horse, dog, sheep, cat, pig.
В. Скажи, какие животные тебе нравятся и почему.
I like dogs, they are nice and cute and they are our good friends.
I like chimps, they are strong and funny.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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