Афанасьева, Михеева, 3. Учебник, Часть 2. Unit 8. Шаг 6, страница 75

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Послушай и скажи, какие названия цветов упоминаются.
White, green, pink, blue, purple, yellow, red, brown.
Посмотри на таблицу и скажи, что делают эльфы в рабочие дни и в конце недели.
On Monday Emily feeds bees and ants, plays with birds. And Emma helps her parents and reads to her granny. At the weekend, they ride hares and play ping-pong with Harry.
On Tuesday Emily cooks for the family and swims in the lake. And Emma feeds bees and ants and drives to town. At the weekend, they drive their cars.
On Wednesday Emily helps her sister and rides her bike. And Emma cooks for the family and meets her friends.
On Thursday Emily goes to the bank and meets harry. And Emma goes to the shop and sings songs with birds. At the weekend they play tennis.
On Friday Emily meets her Granny. And Emma plays with ants and bees. At the weekend they dance in the woods.
Закончи вопросы c does и do и ответь на них.
1) Do… ? I like summer.
2) Does… ? Yes, he does.
3) Do… ? We go to the lake.
4) Does… ? Yes, it does.
5) Do… ? Yes, they do.
6) Do… ? Yes, they do.
7) Do… ? No, they don’t.
8) Does… ? Yes, he does.
9) Do… ? Yes, we do.
10) Does… ? Yes, he does.
11) Yes, he does.
12) I know English not very well.
Используй существительные в ед.ч. или во мн.ч.
1) Season; 2) weekdays; 3) years; 4) nights; 5) months; 6) children; 7) flowerbeds; 8) seasons.
Попросите друг друга назвать слова по буквам.
— Spell Russia, please. [a:-ju:-dabl es-ai-ei] — Thank you.
— Spell Britain, please. [bi:-a:-ai-ti:-ei-ai-en] — Thank you.
— Spell Canada, please. [si:-ei-en-ei-di:-ei] — Thank you.
— Spell Italy, please. [ai-ti:-ei-el-wai] — Thank you.
— Spell France, please. [ef-a:-ei-en-si:-i:] — Thank you.
— Spell Spain, please. [es-pi:-ei-ai-en] .— Thank you.
— Spell dear, please. [di:-i:-ei-a:] — Thank you.
— Spell pleasant, please. [pi:-el-i:-ei-es-ei-en-ti:] — Thank you.
— Spell beautiful, please. [bi:-i:-ei-ju:-ti:ai-ef-ju:-el] — Thank you.
— Spell clear, please. [si:-el-i:-ei-a:] — Thank you.
— Spell high, please. [etJ-ai-dzi-etJ] — Thank you.
— Spell bright, please. [bi:-a:-ai-dzi:-et-ti:] — Thank you.
Прочитай текст и закончи предложения после него. Озаглавь его.
1) b;
2) а;
3) b;
4) b;
5) b;
6) а;
7) b.
Spring, Summer and Autumn.
Опиши зиму.
Winter months are December, January and February. Streets, trees and houses are white in winter. The sky is grey and the sun is not bright in winter. Days are short and nights are long in winter. You can’t see flowers and animals in winter. Children go to school in winter. Boys and girls play hockey, skate and ski in winter.
Выполни задания 1-5 в рабочей тетради.
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