Афанасьева, Михеева, 5. Учебник. Step 17

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Выберите двух учеников, которые сыграют роль хозяев этих двух собачек. Расспросите ребят об их любимцах.
— Is Spot little?
— No, she is not.
— Is Rex big?
— No, he is not.
— Is Spot big?
— Yes, she is.
— Is Rex little?
— Yes, he is.
— Is Spot black?
— Yes, she is.
— Is Rex black?
— No, he is not.
— Is Spot red?
— No, she is not.
— Is Rex red?
— Yes, he is.
— Is Spot good?
— Yes, she is.
— Is Rex bad?
— No he is not.
— Is Spot sad?
— No, she is not.
— Is Rex good?
— Yes, he is.
— Is Spot happy?
— Yes, she is.
— Is Rex sad?
— No, he is not.
Выбери нужную форму артикля для этих существительных.
1 It is an ant.
2 It is an egg.
3 It is a hand.
4 It is an arm.
5 I see a hen and an egg.
6 I see a hand and an arm.
7 I see a street and a park.
8 I see a mug and a cup.
Перепиши эти предложения, вставляя артикли а или ап.
1 I see an old book and a pen.
2 It is a red rose.
3 Is it an ant?
4 It is not an arm, it is a hand.
5 I see an egg and an egg-cup.
Напиши эти слова в 6 столбиков в соответствии с чтением гласных букв.
[eɪ]: make, game, date, cake, crane;
[æ]: map, hand, sack, ant;
[i:] Pete be see;
[e]: yes, red hen;
[oʊ]: rose bone cold stone;
[о]: box, clock, fox, spot, pot.
Вернись к заданию 2 и напиши вопросы со словом or так, как ты их запомнил.
1 Is it a dog or a cat?
2 Is it a street or a park?
3 Is it a fox or a sheep?
4 is it a star or a lamp?
5 Is it a red dog or a black dog?
6 Is it a red book or a green book?
7 Is it a black bus or a red bus?
8 Is Tom sad or happy?
9 Is Bob happy or sad?
10 Is Ann little or big?
11 Is Wendy big or little?
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