Афанасьева, Михеева, 7, 3 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 6. Step 4

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Match the words.
1. j
2. c
3. g
4. a
5. e
6. d
7. h
8. f
9. i
10. b
1. джинсы
2. пижама
3. леггинсы
4. шорты
5. шарф (шарфы)
6. свитер
7. сандалии (босоножки)
8. жакет (куртка, пиджак)
What colour are these clothes?
1. The blouse is white.
2. The jeans are blue.
3. The leggings are grey.
4. The town is purple.
5. The sweater is red.
6. The pajamas are pink.
7. The scarves are green.
8. The stockings are brown.
9. The shorts are black.
10. The jacket is yellow.
11. The socks are orange.
Complete the sentences.
1. are, them
2. were
3. was, it
4. were, them
5. is, it
6. these, them
7. are
8. is
9. Are, are
10. was, it
Complete the sentences.
1. scarf
2. take off
3. wear
4. fashion
5. look
6. take off]
7. wear/put on
8. in fashion, out of fashion
9. neat
10. important
Complete the questions.
1. … aren’t they
2. … are you
3. … isn’t he
4. … is it
5. … aren’t
6. … haven’t they
7. … have we
8. … can you
9. … are there
10. … mustn’t they
11. … won’t she
12. … shall we
13. … must they
14. … may they not
15. … wasn’t he
16. … weren’t they
17. … weren’t there
18. … mustn’t you
19. … isn’t it
Complete the sentences.
1. stockings
2. leggings
3. shorts
4. pajamas
5. sweaters
6. jeans, trainers
7. gown
8. jacket
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