Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Рабочая тетрадь 1. Unit 3

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Прочитайте названия птиц, животных, насекомых и растений. Кого из них вы можете видеть на картинках? Напишите названия.
1) a hedgehog;
2) a pigeon;
3) a squirrel;
4) a dragonfly;
5) a butterfly;
6) a palm;
7) an oak;
8) an evergreen.
Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ после него.
1) с; 2) b; 3) с; 4) с; 5) а; 6) b.
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы после него.
1) Dogs are our pets. They have different roles — working, hunting, guarding.
2) Since ancient times people have experimented with dogs to develop some specific characteristics.
3) There are different breeds: greyhounds, retrievers, collies, shepherds, Dobermans, rottweilers, St. Bernard.
4) He mentions: greyhounds, retrievers, collies, shepherds, Dobermans, rottweilers, St. Bernard, Welsh corgis, Newfoundland, setters.
5) Loyalty is the best quality of dogs.
6) Dogs are the best pets because they are loyal, friendly, intelligent.
Что вы знаете о флоре и фауне России?
1) The symbol of Russia is birch.
2) Foreigners usually associate a bear with Russia.
3) On the fields of Russia grow daisies, dandelions, cornflowers, sunflowers, bluebells.
4) In the gardens Russians grow carnations, roses, daises, poppies, lilacs, pansies.
5) Usual domestic animals are cats, dogs, cows, rabbits, goats, hens, geese.
6) In the woods of Russia you can meet foxes, bears, deers, hares, wolves.
7) Common Russian birds are swallows, woodpeckers, owls, magpies, crows, pigeons, blackbirds.
Дополните текст словами.
1) species;
2) discover;
3) including;
4) fly;
5) other;
6) common.
Соотнесите символы со странами.
1) с;
2) е;
3) d;
4) b;
5) а.
Дополните новые слова и запишите их.
1) extract;
2) blackbird;
3) lion;
4) squirrel;
5) wolf;
6) monkey;
7) pigeon;
8) hare;
9) ostrich;
10) hedgehog;
11) seal;
12) species;
13) common;
14) each;
15) breathe;
16) endangered;
17) elephant;
18) swallow;
19) magpie;
20) habitat;
21) kangaroo;
22) anteater;
23) thistle;
24) flamingo;
25) crocodile;
26) evergreen;
27) birch;
28) butterfly;
29) snail;
30) giraffe.
Напишите слова.
1) air;
2) nightingale;
3) monkey;
4) bear;
5) desert;
6) species;
7) insect;
8) elephant;
9) earth;
10) hedgehog;
11) owl;
12) alligator;
13) support;
14) woodpecker;
15) daffodil;
16) symbol;
17) discovery;
18) rabbit;
19) crow;
20) coyote;
21) lilac;
22) koala;
23) swan;
24) opossum.
Дополните текст предлогами из рамки, если нужно.
1) on; 2. for; 3. of; 4. -; 5. of; 6. to; 7. at; 8. with; 9. of; 10. about; 11. of; 16.-; 12. with; 13. into; 14. at; 15. on; 17. in; 18. in; 19. about; 20. in.
Дополните таблицу глаголов.
1 петь sing sang sang
2 писать write wrote written
3 поймать catch caught caught
4 строить build built built
5 делать make made made
6 начинать begin began begun
7 находить find found found
8 растить grow grew grown
9 знать know knew known
10 говорить tell told told
Дополните предложения, используя present perfect или present perfect progressive.
1) Have you caught; I have been looking;
2) I have lost;
3) She has been growing; She has made;
4) He has been building; Has he finished;
5) She has been singing; She has been singing; Have you ever been.
Напишите, что они делали с обеда.
1) Granny has been planting flowers in the garden.
2) Lizzy and Mary have been doing a project.
3) Mr. Green has been washing his car.
4) The Browns have been collecting rubbish.
5) Clive has been watching a DVD.
6) Dave has been playing chess with his brother.
7) The Hawkins have been choosing a pet.
8) Jane has been learning a poem.
Выберите слово: since или for.
1) for;
2) since;
3) since;
4) since;
5) for;
6) for;
8) for;
9) since;
10) for.
7) since;
Составьте вопросы с этими словами.
1) Has Stephen been playing tennis since morning?
2) Has Jane been swimming for two hours?
3) Have you been reading this book since autumn?
4) Have mum and dad been working in the garden all day?
5) Has Pete been watering the flowers for three hours?
6) Have Becky and Tom been studying all the morning?
Дополните предложения правильным
возвратным местоимением, где нужно.
1) herself;
2) themselves;
3) ourselves;
4) -;
5) himself;
6) myself;
7) yourself;
8) herself;
9) himself;
10) ourselves.
Дополните предложения, используя present progressive или present perfect progressive.
1) is airing;
2) has been cleaning;
3) have been sunbathing;
4) is building;
5) are watching;
6) has been painting;
7) has been writing;
8) is feeling.
Переведите на английский.
1) nightingale’s songs;
2) birds’ language;
3) to make sound;
4) talented imitator;
5) to learn to speak;
6) pictures of plants and animals;
7) famous book for children;
8) to illustrate books;
9) dandelion and cornflowers;
10) to grow pansies and daises;
11) different species;
12) stories about squirrels and hedgehogs.
1) In Russia common birds are woodpeckers, crows, ducks, sparrows and swallows.
2) Sally illustrated letters to friends with the pictures of flowers.
3) Lions, tigers, wolves are wild animals.
4) The language of birds is different from the language of people.
5) We have much in common with my friend, first of all both of us love nature.
6) Kangaroo and koala live in Australia and they are the symbols of country.
7) There are different species of bears: grizzly, brown bear, polar bear.
8) Crocodiles are different from alligators.
9) You can see many animals from other countries in the Zoo: giraffe, elephant, zebra, monkeys.
10) Most of all I like carnation and roses.
Fauna of our planet includes different species of birds, animals, insects.
They are many.
Every year the scientists discover new species.
Different animals can live in the certain climate and on the certain soil.
For example, in the dessert, where there is hot air and a few species of animals.
Задайте вопросы по утверждениям.
1) What kind of bird have you been watching for an hour?
2) What has Tom been collecting since childhood?
3) Where is Nancy planting flowers?
4) When did Bob and his class go to the Zoo?
5) How long have Liz and Paul been skating?
6) Why are mum and dad watering plants?
7) How were the children singing for half an hour?
8) Who brought carnations for mother?
Напишите короткие письма на следующие темы.
1) Happy Birthday! Have a nice day! Enjoy yourself! I wish all your dreams come true!
2) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Have a good time! Enjoy the next year!
3) Greetings on Teacher’s Day! Good luck! I wish you to stay as kind as you are! Best wishes for this day!
4) Happy Mother’s Day! I love you! Take my best wishes! Enjoy yourself!
5) Happy St. Valentine’s Day! Have a nice day! Wish you luck! I love you! Many happy returns of the day!
Дополните текст.
1 was;
2 sat;
3 passed;
4 spoke;
5 can’t;
6 bring;
7 are sitting;
8 will comfort;
9 looked;
10 saw;
11 died;
12 grew.
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