Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 1. Step 3

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Дополните пропуски в предложениях.
1) lies;
2) stretch;
3) flows;
4) stretched;
5) flow, flowed;
6) lie.
Найдите соответствия.
1) f;
2) i;
3) а;
4) j;
5) с;
6) h;
7) d;
8) g;
9) k;
10) b;
11) e;
12) l.
Скажите, что произошло.
1) James has cleaned his саг.
2) Kate has watered her plants.
3) Mom and Dad have opened the bedroom window.
4) The children have finished their homework.
5) Mary has seen the film.
6) My friends have visited the British Museum.
7) Emma has washed her hands.
8) The Smiths have decided where to spend the next week-end.
9) Margo has been to the shops.
10) Jake has cooked his supper.
Скажите, в каких странах они уже были, и в какие страны они собираются поехать.
3) John has been to California. He is going to visit Washington.
4) Billy and Beth have been to Canada. They are going to visit Mexico.
5) Harry has been to the Appalachians. He is going to visit the Rocky Mountains.
6) The Moles have been to the Mississippi. They are going to visit the Colorado.
7) Miss Robertson has been to Alaska. She is going to visit Hawaii.
8) Ann has been to Florida. She is going to visit the Great Plains.
9) The friends have been to the Atlantic Ocean. They are going to visit the Pacific Ocean.
10) Kitty and David have been to South America. They are going to visit North America.
11) My cousins have been to the Pacific Coast. They are going to visit the Atlantic Ocean.
Дополните предложения.
1) has;
2) have;
3) have;
4) has;
5) have;
6) has;
7) has;
8) have;
9) have;
10) have.
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