Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 2. Step 5

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У вас был плохой день. Ваш старший брат или сестра очень расстроены по этому поводу. Составьте диалоги и разыграйте их.
1) Why haven’t you eaten the porridge? — Sorry, I was not hungry.
2) Why haven’t you finished your homework? — Sorry, my friend rang me up.
3) Why haven’t you cleaned your room? — Sorry, I was busy.
4) Why haven’t you rung the doctor up? — Sorry, I forgot his telephone number.
5) Why haven’t you done the shopping? — Sorry, I left the money at home.
6) Why haven’t you watched the new film? — Sorry, I missed it.
7) Why haven’t you learnt the poem? — Sorry, I found it very difficult.
8) Why haven’t you won the race? — Sorry, I wasn’t ready for it.
9) Why haven’t you made chocolate cake? — Sorry, I had no butter at home.
Дополните предложения, используя present perfect и прилагательные в превосходной степени.
1) It is the most interesting film I have ever seen.
2) It is the most boring book I have ever read.
3) Your marks are the most terrible marks you have ever had.
4) It is the best hat I have ever seen on you.
5) This winter is the coldest winter we have ever had.
6) This basketball player is the tallest player I have ever seen.
7) These holidays are the best holidays the children ever had.
8) The result of the game is the worst I have ever seen.
А. Назовите 3 вещи, которые могут быть.
1) music, people, book;
2) air, fruit, water;
3) friend, information, life;
4) sports, meeting, visit;
5) people, vocabulary, country;
6) answer, way, result;
7) life, book, work;
8) song, test, day.
В. Перефразируйте с помощью только что изученных слов.
1) prefer;
2) follow;
3) pronunciation;
4) maybe;
5) fast;
6) rich;
7) regularly.
C. Найдите слова с противоположным значением.
Early — late; seldom — often; popular — unknown; poor — rich; modern — old; slow — fast; good — bad; forget — remember; to tell a lie — to tell the truth; to stay — to leave.
Напишите, что говорят эти люди.
1) I have never heard such load music,
2) I have never seen the girl like you,
3) I have never read such a boring book,
4) I have never seen such a sad movie,
5) I have never eaten such a tasty cake,
6) I have never ridden such a fast car,
7) I have never read such a warm letter,
8) I have never seen such a popular singer,
9) I have never played such a difficult match.
Дополните предложения. Используйте предлоги, где это необходимою
1) for; 2) at, – ; 3) -; 4) on; 5) to; 6) by, to, by 7) in; 8) up.
С артиклем или без?
1) -; 2) -; 3) an; 4) -; 5) а; 6) a; 7) -; 8) a; 9) -; 10) -.
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