Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 3. Step 3

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Скажите, как долго они это делали.
1) Julia has been wearing her shoes since she bought them last summer.
2) Boris has been reading this book since he has borrowed it from the library.
3) Chris has been taking pictures since his father has given him the camera.
4) Brian and Mary have been living in this house since they have come to town.
5) The Davidsons have been playing the piano since 1999.
6) Bill has been riding his bike since he has got:t as a birthday present.
7) They have been using the garage since they have built it.
8) Jim has been drinking from this cup since I have given it to him two years ago.
Что это значит на русском?
1) Посмотри на себя! Твое лицо грязное.
2) Пэм оделась и спустилась вниз на кухню.
3) Они никогда не говорили о себе.
4) Мэри всегда ходит по магазинам сама.
5) Боб очень маленький. Он не может сам открыть дверь.
6) Я сам не знаю ничего об этом.
7) Ты сама слышала это, не так ли?
8) Мы сами пойдем туда и посмотрим, что там происходйт.
9) Мне понравилась музыка, но сама пьеса нет.
10) Сам подумай, я тебе не скажу.
Дополните предложения. Используйте
возвратные местоимения, где необходимо.
1) yourself; 2) himself; 3) — ; 4) – ; 5) themselves; 6) herself; 7) myself; 8) – ; 9) ourselves; 10) themselves;
Дополните предложения новыми словами.
1) support;
2) desert;
3) insects;
4) breathe, air;
5) species;
6) discoveries;
7) include;
8) soil;
9) discovered;
10) common;
11) move;
12) earth;
13) soil, roots;
14) air.
Какое слово употребить — Earth, soil или land?
1) soil; 2) Earth; 3) soil; 4) land; 5) Earth; 6) land; 7) soil; 8) land.
Ответьте на вопросы no тексту.
1) Living things include that is not a plant.
2) We can’t say that we studied all the plants and animals on the planet.
3) Plants get their food from air and soil, and animals eat plants or other animals. Also animals can move, and plants are at the same place.
4) It is not always true because some plant can also catch and “eat” insects. And there are plants that move and animals that don’t leave their places.
5) No. There are no animals that you can see only through microscope.
6) People cultivate plants and domesticate animals.
Дополните предложения.
1) for; 2) since; 3) for; 4) for; 5) since; 6) since;7) for.
Напишите то же самое по-другому.
1) I do my homework myself.
2) Anna learns Spanish herself.
3) The children decorate their classroom themselvc
4) Mr. and Mrs. Page plant the trees themselves.
5) Jason moves the desks in the office himself.
6) We made porridge ourselves.
7) They made photos for their album themselves.
8) The bee makes honey itself.
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