Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 4. Step 1

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Выберите правильную форму глаголов, чтобы дополнить предложения: past simple или present perfect.
1) What has Nick worn to the party? — I don’t know. I haven’t seen him then.
2) Look! Bob has drawn a very good picture. I like it.
3) John flew to Paris yesterday.
4) Jane is not in Moscow. She has flown to St. Petersburg.
5) Mrs. Stubbs grew beautiful forget-me-nots in her garden last spring.
6) My little granddaughter has grown a big tomato. Would you like to look at it?
7) How long have you worn this dress? — I don’t remember. I remember that I have worn it for years.
8) A cold wind is blowing out in the street. It has blown since morning.
9) Have you ever flown a kite?
10) Mr. Dixon flew to Canada last week.
11) How quickly these flowers have grown!
12) Look! What animal your cousin has drawn!
Скажите то же самое по-другому. Используйте новые слова.
1) John studies geography.
2) These two countries have very good relations.
3) The science that studies the behaviour of living things and their environment is one of the most important science nowadays.
4) Nowadays people work a lot on computers.
5) People should think a lot about the environment.
6) Mr. Robinson decided to put a high wall to surround the castle.
7) Why is it important for children to eat healthy food?
8) What is the population of London?
9) Julia has got a great number of books at home.
10) I would like to ask each of you some questions.
Есть слова, которые звучат на всех языках одинаково. Мы называем их “интернациональные”. Прочитайте текст и найдите 12 таких слов.
Ecology, group, isolation, organism, energy, natural, person, ecologist, collect, information, population, diet, form.
Прочитайте текст и дополните предложения словами, производными от данных справа.
1) scientist;
2) information;
3) interesting;
4) different;
5) usual;
6) population;
7) width;
8) length;
9) development;
10) growth;
11) ecologists.
Поставьте слова both и all в правильных местах в предложениях.
1) We all are ready to help you if you need our help.
2) All people know that they need friends.
3) All the singers have come to the concert hall.
4) Both the brothers enjoy playing tennis.
5) All six chairs should stand around the table.
6) Both the friend are from Scotland.
7) Both parents watch comedies and dramas.
8) We can understand all other people’s problems.
9) Both chemistry and physics are sciences.
10) All the children are playing in the school garden.
11) Both Ann’s parents are doctors.
Дополните предложения новыми словами.
1) health, surroundings;
2) collecting;
3) surrounded;
4) environment;
5) survive;
6) growth;
7) collection;
8) study;
9) influenced;
10) population, number.
Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.
1) in;
2) -;
3) in;
4) with;
5) -;
6) between;
7) to;
8) in;
9) of;
10) by.
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