Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 5. Step 3

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Соотнесите части предложений из двух колонок.
1) d
2) g
3) b
4) е;
5) f;
6) с;
7) а.
Дополните текст.
1) had left;
2) broke;
3) was;
4) was.
1) had painted;
2) didn’t put;
3) were;
4) had to;
5) returned;
6) saw;
7) had happened;
8) had become;
9) had lain;
10) had slept;
11) were;
12) had put;
13) left;
14) didn’t have;
15) had touched.
Скажите, что они сделали.
1) Frank said to Val that he went jogging every morning.
2) Mary said to Victor that Don had caught a cold.
3) David said to John that he was doing his best to learn it by heart.
4) Robert said to Polly that is was interesting.
5) Alice said to Betty that she had put on weight.
6) Harry said to Lena that they had bought a new disc.
7) Lizzy said to Kevin that she had had a high temperature.
8) Sarah said to Kevin that she didn’t know anything.
9) Rose said to Brian that they were keeping a healthy diet.
10) Kate said to Ann that she could keep her secret.
Сообщите, что сказал Джон.
1) John told that he was going to cinema that afternoon.
2) John told that they usually had lunch in the nearby cafe that days.
3) John told that he had come to London that day.
4) John told that they had had a conference on ecology the day before.
5) John explained that he always stayed there when he was in Chicago.
6) John told that he had given up smoking the previous week.
7) John asked where aunt Polly had gone the previous night.
8) John asked why Sarah was keeping to diet then.
9) John asked what club Larry had joined three days before.
10) John wondered where had been his friends previous month.
Миссис Лавдэй хочет знать, что сказали эти люди. Но она не очень хорошо слышит. Помогите ей и перескажите их речь.
1) Diana said that Jane was relaxing that time and having a holiday on the coast.
2) Frank said that the population of the city was growing.
3) Mrs. Crawford said that they had done a lot that day.
4) Steve said that he had kept a diary three years before.
5) Mrs. Evans said that those medicines were well-known.
6) Barbara said that she had bought a new badge a day before.
7) Mary said that she has Worked on the factory previous year.
Ответьте на вопросы.
1) I don’t catch colds often. When I catch cold I feel weak. I usually have earache when I get cold. It hurts to swallow. I usually sneeze and then cough when I get cold. I also have a high temperature.
2) When I have a cold my parents don’t call any doctor, they cure me themselves. When doctors come they usually examine me. They usually ask if I sneeze, cough and what hurts. If I have cold or virus doctors prescribe me medicines. It usually takes 5 days to cure a cold.
Прочитайте диалог и выберите правильный вариант ответа в предложениях после.
1) а; 2) b; 3) b; 4) b; 5) а.
Дополните предложения.
1) for;
2) out;
3) from;
5) for;
6) of;
7) for;
8) in.
4) down;
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