Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 6. Step 1

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Переведите предложения.
1) Замок был построен в 17-ом веке.
2) Книги принесены из библиотеки.
3) Обед был съеден не вовремя.
4) Эти камеры были сделаны в Японии.
5) На английском языке говорили только в Англии в 16-ом веке.
6) Гостиную убрали час назад.
7) Две бутылки минеральной воды были выпиты, потому что было жарко.
8) Овощи принесли утром.
9) Мальчика попросили вернуться в 9 вечера.
10) Работа была сделана сразу.
11) Америка была открыта в 1492.
Переделайте предложения из активного в пассивный залог.
1) A silver box was found in the garden by John.
2) The picture is hung on the wall by Mr. Morrison.
3) The poem was learnt by heart by Jason.
4) The final match was won with the score 5:2 by our school football team.
5) The exercises were done by the girls after class.
6) The pictures were taken by Barbara while travelling in Africa.
7) The blue dress was chosen by Jane because it was longer.
8) The cottage was built by Mr. Harrison at the beginning of the 19th century.
9) The cake was cut into small pieces by Alice.
10) The letters were kept in a small green box by Mrs. Biggs.
Возразите на утверждения. Используйте правильную форму пассивного залога.
1) Everybody was informed not by Professor Jackson, but by Professor Davidson.
2) The vase was broken not by John, but by Florence.
3) A small sand castle was built not by Sarah, but by little Alice.
4) The door was painted yellow not by Emma, but by her little brother Steve.
5) Dodos were killed not by tourists, but by sailors.
6) Two eggs were eaten not by Marion, but by Sharon.
7) The last goal in the game was scored not by Henry, but by Max.
8) Plan В was preferred by Mr. Jason, not plan A.
9) Not Tom, but Boris was included on the list by Miss Harper.
Активный или пассивный залог.
1) Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. Nobody knows when the fact was discovered.
2) The Post Office Tower was built in London in 1964. It was built to make the telephone and television systems of the British Capital better. Who built the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow?
3) The small island was not shown on the map. Mrs. Pitkin didn’t show me her garden when I came to visit her.
4) Mr. Woodriff paipted very good portraits when he was younger. A lot of strange animals were painted on the wall. We couldn’t see all of them.
5) Johnatan Swift wrote “Gulliver’s Travels” in the 18th century, “Battle of the Books” was written by him too.
Напишите предложения в пассивном залоге.
1) This coffee is grown by people from Brazil.
2) The piano was made in the 18th century.
3) The Christmas card was sent to me by someone.
4) A lot of vegetables were bought by someone and were put in the fridge.
5) We were taken to the living room by Andrew.
6) Last dodo was killed by people many years ago.
7) A new hospital was built in our city last month.
8) The book was translated for many languages.
9) Reading was taught in the first form.
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