Афанасьева, Михеева, 8, 4 год обучения. Учебник. Unit 6. Step 2

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В субботу семье Грин нужно было много сделать. Они много работали и в конце дня все сделали. Что сделали Грины?
1) the bench was made;
2) the flowers were planted and the grass was cut;
3) the garage was painted;
4) the windows were cleaned;
5) the dinner was prepared;
6) a new garage roof was built;
7) new curtains were made and hung.
Поменяйте активный залог на пассивный там, где это возможно.
1) A beautiful town was lain on the river.
2) The facts were remembered by someone.
3) 4) The skyscrapers were built in New York.
5) Some extinct animals and their habitats were saved.
6) 7) Daisies and pansies are grown by my granny in her garden.
8) 9) 10) A small island was discovered in the middle of the lake.
Поменяйте активный залог на пассивный.
1) The passive voice is formed with the help of the verb to be.
2) The oranges are grown in Italy.
3) A lot of new houses are built in our country.
4) Tables of plastic are often made.
5) The Harry Potter books are translated into many languages.
6) The foreign languages are not taught at this primary schools.
7) Such films are not shown on TV.
8) The tomatoes are not grown by my granny here.
9) The tall build buildings are not built on the island.
10) What questions are usually asked by your teacher in the class?
11) Are such melodies heard here?
12) What books are usually bought for their children?
13) Are the neighbors invited by Mr. Ross to his parties?
14) What poems are learnt by heart by the pupils in the 8th form?
Дополните предложения.
1) also;
2) as well;
3) also;
4) too;
5) either;
6) also;
7) also;
8) either;
9) as well.
Прочитайте текст и скажите одним словом.
1) prehistoric;
2) ancient;
3) dramas;
4) chorus;
5) dialogue;
6) actor;
8) circus;
9) middle ages;
10) dramatist;
11) audience;
12) concert.
7) tragedy;
Ответьте на вопросы.
1) Music, dancing and story-telling were forms of entertainment.
2) The history of drama began in Greece 2500 years ago when people celebrated Dionysus.
3) An actor was called a person who made a dialogue between characters possible.
4) The two forms of classical drama are tragedy and comedy.
5) Euripides and Sophocles are the classical Greek dramatists.
6) Circus began in ancient Rome.
7) The church considered entertainment and drama wrong in Middle Ages.
8) Renaissance people rediscover Greek and Roman drama.
9) The plays were performed on high platforms in public places.
10) The Golden age of theatre is its peak of development, it was in the \7th century when the first theatre was opened.
А. Напишите, кто нарисовал эти картины.
1) f;
2) e;
3) c;
4) b;
5) d;
6) a.
В. Напишите, кто автор книг.
1) с;
2) b;
3) f;
4) е;
5) d;
6) а.
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