Афанасьева, Михеева, 8. Учебник. Unit 5. Упражнения 1-10

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1. Going on a long trip, one usually takes big pieces of luggage: suit cases, trunks, tote bags and luggage carriers.
2. A shirt trip requires tote bags, duffel bags or backpacks (especially if you go on foot).
3. If one goes away on business, one usually takes a briefcase, a garment bag, or a tote bag.
4. Such pieces of luggage as a shoulder bag, a duffel bag, a utility case and a vanity case can be handy on any kind of trip.
1. — b); 2. — c); 3. — a); 4. — c); 5. — b); 6. — c); 7. — a); 8. — c); 9. — c); 10. — b)
1. —, at, with, in; 2. to, from; 3. of, by, by; 4. by; 5. at, off; 6. into/out of; 7. on; 8. on, —; 9. to; 10. To
a) an airport; b) a railway station; c) a sea port
A. 1. Наши друзья любят провожать своих родственников, отправляющихся путешествовать.
2. Вскоре мы его раскусили и поняли, какой план он строит (что он замышляет).
3. Я пойду позабочусь об обеде.
4. Я не очень часто вижу его в последнее время
B. 1. Who saw Mr Swift off at the airport when he was flying (away) to America?
2. I promise, I’ll see to it that the children are given their dinner.
3. He (has) never managed to deceive his elder sister. She has always seen (saw) through him.
4. When shall/will I see you round again?
1) nervous; 2) indifferent; 3) various; 4) the expression of his face; 5) irritably (about); 6) desire; 7) equipment; 8) required; 9) supplies; 10) was an advantage over …; 11) to bother; 12) rude expressions.
a) 2, 7.
b) 4, 6, 9.
c) 1, 3, 5, 8.
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