Афанасьева, Михеева, 8. Учебник. Unit 5. Упражнения 61-70

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On the fourth day the family travelled in a small boat down the Oslo fjord.
1- f); 2- d); 3- g); 4- a); 5. —h); 6. —b); 7-c); 8- e)
1. Тебе бы лучше извиниться, ведь ошибся (ошиблась) именно ты.
2. На твоем месте я бы прежде всего убедился, что дверь надежно заперта.
3. Мне нравится держать на письменном столе несколько словарей, чтобы ими можно было легко воспользоваться.
4. Салли мне по-своему нравится, но я не могу сказать, что мы близкие друзья.
5. Школы в Англии находятся в ведении местных органов образования.
6. Вы вполне уверены, что фильм стоит посмотреть? Мне бы не хотелось напрасно терять время.
7. Каждое утро школа оживает от детских голосов.
8. Вдобавок к математике и русскому нам придется сдавать экзамен по истории.
1. In a way the day has been (was) a success.
2. I’d better wait for you here: it’s raining outside.
3. Lying on the sofa with a book I always keep a bag of sweets within easy reach.
4. Let’s first of all make sure that we can buy tickets for this train.
5. Who runs this tennis club?
6. In the morning the forest came alive with birds’ singing.
7. Are you certain that I should go with you?
8. In addition to two dogs they have three cats.
1. except; 2. besides; 3. besides; 4. except; 5. besides; 6. except; 7. Except
1. awaiting; 2. wait; 3. waiting; 4. await; 5. awaits; 6. waiting; 7. Awaiting
1. had better; 2. would you rather; 3. Had not he better; 4. would rather; 5. had better; 6. had better; 7. would rather; 8. had better, would rather
1. He remembered them so well because they were lovely holidays and he had a lot of holidays like them from when he was 17.
2. Because almost all the family were Norwegians by blood, spoke Norwegian and most of his relatives lived there.
3. There were no commercial flights at that time.
4. She had to think everything over beforehand and make all the bookings in advance. In those days people didn’t do it by telephone, but by letter.
5. They were a big party and they had to take all the things they might need with them as there were no shops on the island where they spent their summers.
6. To get to Norway they had to cross the North Sea, and Newcastle is a port from which it’s the shortest distance across the sea.
7. Because he doesn’t want to confuse his readers.
8. The crossing was often rough and most of the family got seasick.
9. They wanted to spend some time with their grandparents.
10. Because the journey in a small boat was pleasant and they could admire the views around them.
11. Possibly, because it was connected with his childish memories, the place was quiet and lonely, the children
were free to do what they wanted, play and swim. The place was also familiar and felt like home.
1) on foot; 2) a single ticket; 3) a sleeper (sleeping car); 4) the time of arrival; 5) destination; 6) to go through the customs; 7) to do last minute shopping; 8) to pay excess luggage; 9) fellow passengers; 10) delay or cancellation of a train; 11) bed and breakfast; 12) to check in at a hotel; 13) a suite; 14) a room with a view of the sea; 15) available facilities; 16) a flight to Oslo; 17) a long-distance train; 18) (well) in advance; 19) to board (get on) the train on time; 20) he is/gets travelsick in a car
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