Афанасьева, Михеева, 9, 5 год обучения. Рабочая тетрадь. Письмо 5. Упражнение 19

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to rely on somebody;
during an hour;
a wise decision;
to look at somebody with admiration;
to come into one’s mind;
to waste time;
to make a decision;
to give up the idea of travelling;
to discourage somebody from doing something;
to find out the truth.
the main idea;
some/several animals;
patient relatives;
to do well in a subject;
to require some help;
to take care of pets;
caring parents;
to know from personal experience;
good qualities;
to cope with a situation.
to fulfil one’s duty;
to continue taking the medicine;
a good grade in some subject;
to acquaint somebody with somebody;
to get acquainted with somebody;
to owe the brother 5 roubles;
to owe money;
to get a mortgage;
to retire at 65;
to attract tourists.
a secure job;
to make a fortune;
to refuse to do something;
responsible employers;
in expectation of our meeting;
to get down to business;
to follow in mother’s footsteps;
properly dressed;
to fill in a gap in one’s education;
to rescue somebody from something.
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