Афанасьева, Михеева, 9, 5 год обучения. Учебник. Раздел 1. Часть 1. Упражнение 9

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Человек из будущего no имени Магнус путешествует в машине времени, посещая разные места во всем мире. Скажите, что происходит в тот момент, когда он прибывает в разные страны. Используйте страдательный залог.
When Magnus arrived in China the Great Wall of China was being built.
When Magnus arrived in England the first book in the country was being printed.
When Magnus arrived in England in 1666 London was being destroyed by the Great Fire.
When Magnus arrived in North India the Taj Mahal was being constructed.
When Magnus arrived in St. Petersburg the city was being founded.
When Magnus arrived in the USA in 1787 the Constitution of the United States was being written.
When Magnus arrived in Russia in 1812 the French army was being driven out of the country.
When Magnus arrived in Italy on the 25th December, 1950, Christmas was being celebrated.
When Magnus arrived in Russia on 12th April, 1961, the first man was being sent into space.
When Magnus arrived in France pictures by Marc Chagal were being shown in Paris.
When Magnus arrived in Germany in 1989 the Berlin Wall was being destroyed.
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