Афанасьева, Михеева, 9, 5 год обучения. Учебник. Раздел 3. Часть 2. Упражнение 8

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There are four eras are mentioned: the Old Stone Age, the New Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age.
The Old Stone Age produced stone tools, the use of fire, spears, the bow and arrow and simple oil lamps.
The new Stone Age saw early farming, the use of the digging stick and wood hoe. Stone axes began to be used. People learned to make pots, cloth, baskets, build houses and use early boats.
The Bronze Age gave birth to agricultural civilization. The use of copper and bronze led to a lot of new techniques and devices. Trade appeared. Building technology also developed fast. People also knew how to irrigate lands.
The Iron Age was a new technical era. Iron started to be used in making weapons. Building technologies continued to develop fast. The invention of new heavy plough helped the civilization of northern Europe to develop.
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