Афанасьева, Михеева, 9, 5 год обучения. Учебник. Раздел 4. Часть 4. Упражнение 10

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A. Найдите в тексте предложение с used to do sth.

Twenty years ago there used to be not so many blacks and Asians in local government or on TV as newsreaders; now it is very common.
Двадцать лет тому назад не было такого количества черных и азиатов в местном правительстве или на телевидении в качестве ведущих новостей; теперь это обычное явление.

B. Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкцию to be used to do sth.
When James was younger he used to spend hours fishing in the lake. He doesn’t do it anymore.
A couple of years ago I didn’t use to do any sport. Now I do a lot of jogging which keeps me fit.
I know that now you keep no pets. Did you use to do it in your childhood?
In olden days people used to travel very slowly. Now we have fast trains and jet plains.
Diana never used to think about serious problems when she was in her teen years. Now she has become very different.
When Caroline was a child she used to hate even the smell of coffee. Now she drinks a lot of it.
When we were young we used to spend a lot of time together. Unfortunately, we don’t see a lot of each other now.
It seems that Jane and Colin don’t like each other very much. Did they use to date when they were younger?
Peter used to be a quiet and friendly boy at school. What’s happened to him?
Kathy used to play a lot of tennis when I met her. Now she prefers golf.
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