Афанасьева, Михеева, 9. Учебник. Unit 4. Exercise 27.

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I’ve been thinking about this problem for a long time, but I haven’t found a solution to it yet.
Diana left the city and we haven’t heard from her yet.
Recently I dreamed of (about) our old country house.
I wonder who thought of roller skates.
I wouldn’t dream of climbing this mountain.
It’s strange that you haven’t heard anything of (about) the recent events in South America.
I was told that the film studio wanted (needed) an artist and thought of you.
I don’t know what licorice is, I’ve never heard of it.
You shout at your dog, that’s why it is afraid of you.
A lot of my friends dream of (about) long travels (journeys).
I’m very worried, I haven’t heard from my English friends for a long time.
The man on the other (opposite) bank of the river was shouting something to us, but we couldn’t hear his words.
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