Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, 7. Учебник. Unit 2. Step 1

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1c, 2b, 3c, 4a.
1) Kate has watered her plants.
2) Mum has opened her bedroom window.
3) Mary has watched the film.
4) My friends have visited the British Museum.
5) Emma has washed her hair.
6) The Smiths have decided where they’ll spend their weekend.
7) Jake has cooked his supper.
8) Mary’s friends have arrived in London.
9) Peter has changed his clothes.
10) The sisters have discovered a wonderful new book.
2) She has cleaned the carpet.
3) She has cooked some food.
4) She has cleaned the shoes.
5) She has worked in the garden.
6) She has washed the plates (up).
7) She has visited some food shops.
8) She has watered the flowers.
9) She has walked the dogs.
1) has;
2) have;
3) has;
4) have;
5) has;
6) have;
7) has;
8) have.
1a, 2g, 3f, 4e, 5h, 6b, 7c, 8d.
1) They have visited Paris.
2) They have visited Moscow.
3) They have visited New York.
4) They have visited St Petersburg.
5) They have visited London.
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