Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow, 8. Учебник. Unit 1. Step 6

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1) we hadn’t had lunch;
2) she had missed her favourite film;
3) it had started raining;
4) he had won the first place;
5) he had walked four kilometres;
6) they had lost their way;
7) the new team had won the game;
8) he had come down with a cold;
9) I had caught the early bus;
10) my father had taught me.
1) over, to;
2) —;
3) to;
4) to;
5) in;
6) —;
7) in;
8) on, on;
9) of.
Steve had
1) won the baseball game;
2) taken part in ski competitions;
3) bought some fashionable sportswear;
4) begun doing yoga;
5) organized a school football team.
1) In what country did ancient Olympics take place?
2) How often did ancient Olympics take place? or How often do modern Olympics take place?
3) How many races were there in ancient Olympics?
4) When did the Romans stop the ancient Olympic Games?
5) What was the name of the French nobleman who decided to bring the Olympic Games back to life?
1) in the field;
2) on the battle field;
3) a noble profession;
4) to keep peace;
5) to return from the competition;
6) to fight a battle;
7) to lose a battle;
8) at the end of the war;
9) an important event;
10) a man of honour.
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