Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow, 8. Учебник. Unit 4. Step 7

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1c, 2d, 3b, 4a, 5e, extra — f.
1) Kevin should be told about it as soon as possible.
2) This letter must be answered at once.
3) Fred has to be told about the meeting.
4) This text can be translated into Chinese.
5) Tom should be invited to the party.
6) Children should be taught to speak politely.
7) It’s too hot. Milk must be kept in the fridge.
8) The film can be shown after lunch.
9) This fact must be explained to the students.
10) The text must be read by the children.
1) feeling, felt;
2) appears/feels/seems;
3) smell;
4) sounds;
5) smelt/smelted;
6) looks;
7) tastes;
8) sounds;
9) look;
10) looks.
1) quietly;
2) quiet;
3) unpleasant;
4) unpleasantly;
5) bad;
6) well, good;
7) unhappy;
8) unhappily;
9) pleasant;
10) sweet.
1) should be given;
2) must be kept;
3) couldn’t open;
4) has to take, can’t be left;
5) must be read;
6) shouldn’t spend.
1) written;
2) spent;
3) invited;
4) read;
5) forgotten;
6) visited.
1 — paper; 2 — cotton; 3 — leather; 5 — wood; 7 — wool; 12 — silk; 20 — china; 25 — silver; 50 — gold; 60 — diamond.
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