Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow English, 6. Лексико-грамматический практикум. Unit 4

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2) fought;
3) held;
4) grew;
5) thought;
6) stood;
7) found;
8) brought;
9) lay;
10) meant;
11) heard;
12) hung;
1) played;
2) grieved;
3) founded;
4) sailed;
5) discovered;
6) extended;
7) remembered;
8) arrived;
9) hoped;
10) worried;
11) hunted;
12) belonged.
2) businessman — businessmen;
3) sportsman — sportsmen;
4) snowman — snowmen;
5) countryman — countrymen;
6) gentleman — gentlemen;
7) milkman — milkmen;
8) Englishman — Englishmen;
9) Frenchman — Frenchmen;
10) postman — postmen;
11) policeman — policemen;
12) fisherman — fishermen;
13) spaceman — spacemen.
2) sportsman;
3) Englishmen;
4) Frenchman;
5) milkmen;
6) policeman;
7) seamen;
8) snowman.
2) We won’t / shan’t celebrate your birthday in the cafe.
3) They will not / won’t worry about him a lot.
4) I won’t / shan’t always remember this voyage.
5) Pete will not / won’t hang the photo on the wall.
6) Mum will not / won’t come with me to the shop.
7) Nora will not write to you next week.
8) Sarah will not / won’t make friends with Helen.
9) I won’t / shan’t go to school next year.
10) The girls will not / won’t stay at their Granny’s.
4) shall;
6) shall;
7) shall.
2) I think I shall have lunch.
3) I think I shall go on holiday.
4) I think I shall take a taxi.
5) I think I shall watch TV.
6) I think I shall go to the circus.
7) I think I shall stay at home.
8) I think I shall talk to my friend.
9) I think I shall drink some water.
10) I think I shall wear warm clothes.
2) Will Mary and Pete will sail to Brazil together?
3) Will Granny make a cake?
4) Will Kate teach you to swim?
5) Will your parents go to Los Angeles next summer?
6) Will they give the children many gifts?
7) Will Olga arrive at the airport at midnight?
8) Will Sam soon see Mexico?
2) Are they sure they will see the film?
3) Are you sure the day will be foggy?
4) Is Kate sure it will snow a lot today?
5) Am I sure I will be happy in future?
6) Are they sure they will be successful?
7) Is my teacher sure I shall write the test well?
8) Are you sure the town will extend to the north?
3) Shall I open the window?
4) Shall we cook dinner?
5) Shall we go shopping?
6) Shall I write a letter?
7) Shall I buy some books?
8) Shall I wash the dress?
2) Shall we cook dinner or go to the cafe?
3) Shall we go to the swimming pool or to the beach?
4) Shall we call our granny or write a letter to her?
5) Shall we play a computer game or visit Dick?
6) Shall we stay at home or go out?
7) Shall we go to the museum or to the picture gallery?
8) Shall we buy a pizza or make a vegetable salad?
9) Shall we ride our bikes or play volleyball?
10) Shall we go to the park or to the shopping centre?
2) When Sally goes to the USA, she will go to the Metropolitan Museum.
3) When Sally goes to the USA, she will see Manhattan.
4) When Sally goes to the USA, she will travel through the country.
5) When Sally goes to the USA, she will meet a lot of people.
6) When Sally goes to the USA, she will swim in the Atlantic Ocean.
2) If Bob has free time next week, he will go to the cinema.
3) If Bob has free time next week, he will play tennis.
4) If Bob has free time next week, he will read some books.
5) If Bob has free time next week, he will visit his parents
6) If Bob has free time next week, he will meet his friends.
2) I will stay at home.
3) I will read a book.
4) I will talk with him.
5) Mother will make some soup.
6) I will be rich.
7) I will get a good mark.
8) I will sell them.
9) I will play with him.
10) I will be ill.
2) if;
3) if;
4) if / when;
5) if;
6) if / when;
7) if;
8) when / if.
2) Mary will arrive in Manhattan on Sunday if she does everything on Saturday.
3) Mother will cook dinner if Dad buys some meat and vegetables in the shop.
4) I shall watch TV in the evening if I finish doing my homework.
5) My parents will sail to Africa next month if the weather is fine.
6) Simon will see the Great Lakes if he goes to the USA.
7) Lily will draw a picture if she has free time.
8) Kitty and Ben will learn English if they live in an English-speaking family.
2) I will make a lemon cake as soon as I buy some sugar.
3) As soon as it rains, they will come back home.
4) As soon as they discover the truth, they will be sad.
5) As soon as spring comes, we’ll sail home.
6) Peter will live in Manhattan, as soon as he arrives in New York.
7) The Browns will build a cottage, as soon as they have money.
8) We will have some milk as soon as the milkman brings it to us.
2) before / after;
3) before;
4) after;
5) before;
6) after;
7) after;
8) before.
2) I hope we will go to Broadway, as soon as we arrive in New York.
3) If Tom discovers the truth, he will be really happy.
4) If he stays in Mexico for a long time, they will miss him.
5) As soon as winter comes we will make a snowman.
6) After Dad buys meat, Mother will prepare soup.
7) I will go to the theatre after I wash the plates.
8) They will fly to Spain before autumn comes.
9) If it is not windy, they will sail to the sea.
10) As soon as Mary writes home exercises, she will have free time.
2) Tell me why you never celebrate Halloween.
3) Simon would like to know where the Smiths went last night.
4) Everybody knows that Pam is making something special for her mother.
5) Susan doesn’t know if they are happy.
6) Molly would like to know if Dad had fun at the party. / Dad would like to know if Molly had fun at the party.
7) Tell me what music you listen to.
8) Don isn’t sure where Mother is going to tonight. Mother isn’t sure where Don is going to tonight.
2) —;
3) —;
4) —;
5) —;
6) the;
7) —;
8) the;
9) —;
10) the;
11) —;
12) the;
13) —;
14) —;
15) —;
16) the;
17) —;
18) —;
19) —;
20) —.
2) the, —;
3) the, the;
4) —, —;
5) the, —;
6) the, —;
7) the, the;
8) the, —;
9) —, —;
10) —, —, the;
11) —, —, the;
12) —, —, —.
2) the, a;
3) the, the, the;
4) a, the, the;
5) the, —;
6) the, a, —;
7) the, a, —, —;
8) the, the, the;
9) a, the, the;
10) the , —, —.
2) Are you playing volleyball with them next Sunday?
3) Pete is having a voyage next week.
4) We are going to the theatre with our friends tomorrow.
5) Mike is bringing a cake to the party on Saturday.
6) Are you meeting your parents at the airport in the evening?
7) Where is Helen sailing in April?
8) What are they doing tomorrow?
2) Len is going to fly.
3) Pete and Bob are going to play tennis.
4) Bess is going to make a salad.
5) Rex is going to eat the bone.
6) Helen is going to wash the dress.
7) Don is going to watch TV.
8) Alice is going to go to bed.
2) will phone;
3) belongs;
4) am sailing;
5) remembered;
6) arrived, hugged;
7) brings, shall / will read;
8) hope;
9) fought;
10) were making, saw.
2) was;
3) to get;
4) was;
5) lived;
6) made;
7) hoped;
8) to bring;
9) gave;
10) went;
11) found;
12) met;
13) called;
14) died;
15) began;
16) said;
17) was.
2) told;
3) round;
4) ring;
5) east;
6) first;
7) sea;
8) fact;
9) born;
10) same;
11) hunt;
12) rocky.
2) voyage;
3) avenue;
4) poor;
5) liberty;
6) sailor;
7) visitor;
8) through;
9) until;
10) still;
11) wigwam;
12) skyscraper;
13) tribe;
14) belong;
15) nearly.
2) The teacher spoke to me so coldly!
3) The airport is so far from the city!
4) Ann is so beautiful!
5) Last winter was so snowy!
6) They decorated the house so nicely!
7) Bob can play tennis so well!
8) We were so tired when we arrived home!
9) The skyscraper is so tall!
10) The shore of the lake is so rocky!
2) Are you certain …
3) I’m sure / I’m positive.
4) I’m sure / I’m certain.
5) Certainly.
6) I’m not positive about it. / I’m not sure about it.
7) Are you certain, I am not so certain about it.
8) She is not sure.
2) Be sure to prepare everything for tomorrow.
3) Is Mary sure that this book belongs to Alex?
4) I’m not sure that I will go to school next week.
5) Your parents are certain to help you with it.
6) Bob feels sure that your trip will be successful.
7) We are sure to have a voyage to Italy soon.
8) I think Sarah went to New York last year, but I’m not sure of it.
9) My mum is sure to know how to make the Christmas cake.
10) Are you sure that Jack is coming to us?
2) land;
3) voyage;
4) round;
5) gold;
6) poor;
7) through;
8) still;
9) nearly;
10) skyscrapers;
11) space;
12) seashore.
2) discovered;
3) belonged;
4) remembered;
5) hung;
6) arrived;
7) hoped;
8) fought;
9) hunted;
10) left;
11) hugged;
12) worried.
2) bank;
3) shore;
4) shores;
5) shores;
6) banks;
7) shores;
8) bank;
9) bank;
10) shore.
2) in;
3) at;
4) —;
5) in;
6) —;
7) at;
8) —;
9) in;
10) at.
2) from;
3) at;
4) through / to, —;
5) for;
6) in, of / about;
7) in, up;
8) —, on;
9) to, —;
10) of;
11) on, of;
12) from, to, across;
13) by, by;
14) on, to.
2) Russian;
3) French;
4) English;
5) Italian;
6) American;
7) African;
8) Asian;
9) Indian;
10) Australian.
2) discovery;
3) peaceful;
4) emotional;
5) dangerous;
6) famous;
7) nearly;
8) rocky;
9) visitors;
10) beautiful.
2) h;
3) d;
4) a;
5) g;
6) f;
7) e;
8) b
1) There is a tall skyscraper in the centre of the city.
2) You can see a high mountain far away.
3) The rocky seashore is very dangerous for ships.
4) There is a big round table in the room.
5) I have a beautiful gold ring.
6) There are not many quiet streets in Moscow.
7) We had a real fun at the party.
8) We got a special greeting from my parents.
2) shore;
3) fight;
4) travel;
5) visitor;
6) lovely;
7) line;
8) museum.
2) the Mississippi;
3) Rhode Island;
4) Manhattan;
5) Fifth Avenue;
6) the Statue of Liberty;
7) Broadway;
8) The Metropolitan Museum;
9) Hawaii;
10) Washington, D.C.
2) If I go to the USA, I will see the Statue of Liberty.
3) Sally is leaving for Washington, D.C. in the evening.
4) He fought with his friend yesterday.
5) There were four businessmen in the office.
6) Baseball is very popular with Americans.
7) He will not / won’t do it next week.
8) I am not so sure about / of it.
9) Shall I open the window?
10) They arrived in Mexico at 5 o’clock.
11) They will live in the country until autumn comes.
12) There were a lot of people on the shore of the lake.
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