Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова, Rainbow English, 6. Рабочая тетрадь. Unit 1

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No. 2.
1c; 2c; 3d; 4c.
True: 1, 2; false: 4; not stated: 3.
1) the Eiffel Tower;
2) the Ostankino Tower;
3) the Ostankino Tower;
4) the Eiffel Tower.
1) appear;
2) fast;
3) cathedral;
4) nothing;
5) change;
6) anything;
7) architect;
8) column;
9) down;
10) statue;
11) move;
12) understood;
13) brought;
14) street;
15) everybody.
1c; 2b; 3d; a — extra.
1b; 2c; 3c.
True: 1, 4; false: 2; not stated: 3.
1a; 2b; 3d; 4c.
1) appear;
2) column;
3) name;
4) move;
5) fast;
6) found;
7) picture;
8) straight;
9) bank;
10) nobody;
11) autumn;
12) bring;
13) palace;
14) wooden;
15) road;
16) architect.
1) rebuild;
2) sunny;
3) usually;
4) builders;
5) beginning;
6) wooden;
7) swimmer;
8) slowly.
1) Torg, Pozhar, Troitskaya;
2) History Museum, St Basil’s Cathedral;
3) Spasskaya Tower;
4) 1147;
5) the Bolshoi Theatre, the Malyi Theatre, the Puppet Theatre and some other theatres.
1) the Neva River;
2) founded;
3) moved, 1712;
4) Dvortsovaya Square;
5) bridges.
1) from;
2) to;
3) on, of;
4) over;
5) up, to;
6) out;
7) on;
8) from;
9) by;
10) to.
1) anybody;
2) everybody;
3) nobody;
4) founded;
5) century;
6) fast;
7) banks;
8) buildings;
9) other;
10) move.
1) high;
2) anything;
3) miss;
4) to defend;
5) wooden;
6) hear;
7) nothing, appear;
8) many;
9) few;
10) founded.
1) I see nothing.
2) There are few cathedrals in the city.
3) I know nobody here.
4) We won’t do anything.
5) They want nothing.
6) The prince didn’t found any cities.
7) Jack wrote no poems.
8) We didn’t meet anybody in the street.
9) There is little water in the cup.
10) There is nobody in the room.
1) —;
2) the;
3) —;
4) the;
5) the;
6) the;
7) —;
8) the;
9) —;
10) —.
1) The Summer Garden;
2) the Hermitage / Winter Palace;
3) Kazan Cathedral;
4) the Russian Museum;
5) the Kremlin;
6) the monument to Prince Yury Dolgoruky;
7) St Basil’s Cathedral;
8) the History Museum.
architect, bank, builder, cathedral, century, column, winter, enemy, monument, palace, parade, prince, road, side, statue, tsar.
2) защищать, defended;
3) understand, understood;
4) брать, take;
5) строить, build;
6) менять, изменять, change;
7) found, founded;
8) двигаться), moved;
9) stand, stood;
10) rebuild, rebuilt;
11) приносить, brought.
1) is building;
2) take;
3) is moving;
4) is standing;
5) build;
6) walks;
7) misses, comes;
8) where do they usually change …
9) are rebuilding;
10) defends.
1) were swimming, were playing;
2) spent;
3) What were you doing …?
4) met, was walking, saw;
5) built;
6) were building;
7) missed;
8) was driving, phoned.
1) appear;
2) defend;
3) is still taking;
4) visits, lives;
5) took;
6) rebuilt;
7) heard;
8) are defending;
9) brought;
10) founded.
1) visited;
2) went;
3) began;
4) saw;
5) liked;
6) made;
7) enjoyed;
8) took;
9) drove;
10) bought.
1) When was Ben in Moscow?
2) What was the weather like?
3) Where did Ben stay while he was in Moscow?
4) How long was Ben in Moscow?
5) What places did he visit?
6) What places did he like?
7) Why did he like those places?
8) When did he come back home?
1) square;
2) other;
3) defend;
4) nothing;
5) prince.
1b; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5a.
If you want to be happy, be.
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