Баранова, Starlight 8. Рабочая тетрадь. Module 6i

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clothes: 2
personality: 3
hobbies/interests: 4
achievements: 4
name/relationship to writer: 1
feelings about the person: 5
facial features: 2
when/where/how the writer met them: 1
1 2 (Miss Harper is in her mid-thirties and is quite pretty.)
2 4 (Miss Harper is an amazing person.)
3 5 (All in all. Miss Harper is both sensitive and kind.)
4 1 (I met Miss Harper three years ago.)
5 3 (I’ve never met anyone as considerate as Miss Harper.)
1 pessimistic
2 cheerful
3 considerate
4 reserved
5 kind-hearted
1 lazy
2 shy
3 sociable
4 selfless
5 trustworthy
6 intelligent
7 absent-minded
8 stubborn
1 Ann has long brown hair, which she often wears in a pony-tail.
2 Darren has wrinkles around his eyes that make him look older than his age.
3 Janice is a beautiful girl with an oval face and a small nose.
4 John is a very fashionable person who likes to wear designer clothes.
1 both
2 and
3 However
4 Despite
1 As well as
2 Moreover
3 although
1 also
2 but
3 In spite of
1 and
2 On the other hand
3 Nevertheless
1 Even though
2 both
3 and
4 In addition
(Suggested Answer)
Name: Sophie Coombes
Age: 16
Appearance: very pretty, olive skin, blonde wavy hair, fashionable, brown oval eyes.
Character: kind, reliable, bossy boots
Achievements: a world-class athlete, trains and competes worldwide, trains with Olympic athletes
Your comments & feelings: a very important person, best friend, inspiring person.
1 An article about a classmate I admire.
2 present/past tenses.
3 I will write 5 paragraphs.
4 Paragraph 1: the name of my classmate and how we met.
Paragraph 2: his/her physical appearance
Paragraph 3: his/her character
Paragraph 4: his/her achievements
Paragraph 5: how I feel about him/her
(Suggested Answer)
The classmate I most admire is Sophie Coombes. I met her on my first day of school and we have been friends ever since.
She is of medium height and is quite thin. Sophie is very pretty with olive skin, dark brown oval eyes and wavy blonde hair. She’s always happy and usually has a warm smile on her face. Sophie has a great sense of style, so she always dresses smartly and looks great in whatever she wears.
I’ve never met anyone as kind as Sophie, she always puts others before herself. I know that I can always rely on her for anything. However, she likes to be in charge and sometimes can be a bit of a bossy boots! She’s a very active person and is an extremely talented athlete, who competes in competitions all over the world! She is dedicated to sport and even trains with Olympic medal winners.
All in all, Sophie is a very important person to me. She has a good sense of humour and knows exactly what to do to make me smile. Although we don’t spend as much time together as I’d like, she’s the best friend I’ve ever had.
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