Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 1a

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The text is about a man who photographs volcanic eruptions for a living.
1A 2C 3D 4В 5D
1 He can’t stay this close for too long because the gases and acids will destroy his camera … (para 2)
2 It takes a lot of patience … (para 3)
3 … the volcano was throwing out rocks the size of cars, so for most of the time he was sheltering behind a large boulder! (para 4)
4 … but that doesn’t stop him from taking precautions because this is a job where safety is a priority. (para 5)
5 As Martin admits, “One has to know when it’s safe to come near and when it is a matter of survival to stay away … ” (para 5)
ground (n): earth
(is) shaking (v): (is) moving up and down
freelance (adj): not employed by others
dedicated (adj): devoted
block (v): prevent you from seeing
mystifies (v): puzzles
(was) sheltering (v): (was) hiding
boulder (n): rock
precautions (n): safety measures
1 volcano erupted
2 deafening roar
3 dormant volcano
4 Poisonous gas
5 Flaming hot lava
6 blocked, view
1 tripped, cut, was walking (one action happening after another in the past & an action in progress)
2 hasn’t reached (an uncompleted action in the present)
3 are exploding (an action happening now, at the moment of speaking)
4 are going (fixed future arrangement)
5 has been working (emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present)
6 are leaving (fixed future arrangement)
7 were looking, was flowing (two actions in progress at the same time in the past)
I get up early every day.
Last week, I went to the cinema.
At this time last Monday, I was sitting in my French lesson.
I went to Spain on holiday two years ago.
I haven’t finished my history project yet.
I am studying English now.
I have only been learning French for a month.
I have already planned my summer holiday.
I haven’t done any chores since last weekend.
The volcano has just erupted. I can hear the deafening roar of the volcano. I can see the red hot lava flowing and I can feel the heat burning my face even through my gas mask. The ground beneath my feet is shaking. I feel scared.
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