Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 2c

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I know that jeans were invented in America sometime in the 1800s. I don’t know much about potato chips. I know that Coca-Cola is probably the most popular soft drink in the world and the recipe is a secret.
1 Coca-Cola
2 potato chips
3 potato chips
4 Coca-Cola
5 jeans, Coca-Cola
6 jeans
1 … in his backyard!
2 Crum got very angry …
3 To George’s surprise … other diners began asking for them, too.
4 … was first sold … on 8th May, 1886 … made about $50 in the first year … In 1887 … sales had risen by over 4000%.
5 … decided to design trousers for manual workers … / The soft drink was first sold as a medicine …
6 At first, many places … banned them.
sailors – men who work on a ship
manual workers – people who work with their hands
big hit – popular
banned – forbade
staple – basic
thick – not thin
take revenge – punish
fussy diner – difficult-to-please restaurant customer
crispy – crunchy
thrilled – very pleased
servings – portions of food or drinks
formula – recipe
ingredients – components of a mixture
Jeans; 1853, Levi Strauss; manual workers liked jeans; staple item of clothing
Potato chips; 1853, George Crum; a customer complained about thick French fries; sales of $6 billion a year in the US
Coca-Cola; 1886, John Pemberton; a businessman bought the formula; most famous soft drink in the world
1890, Sergei Maliutin & Vasily Zvyozdochkin
An industrialist promoted them in France
a famous souvenir
Matryoshka dolls are popular Russian souvenirs that have many small dolls inside them, each one smaller than the other. These wooden dolls are beautifully painted, often in bright colours. At the end of the 19th century in Russia, Sava Mamontov was an industrialist and supporter of the arts. One of the artists that worked for him saw a Japanese doll that had other dolls inside it and decided to make something similar. Sergei Maliutin designed the doll and Vasily Zvyozdochkin carved the first one in 1890. The dolls became famous worldwide when they won a prize at an exhibition in Paris in 1900.
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