Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 3. Russia

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VITA is a non-profit charity organisation that protects animals against cruelty. It cares about animals on farms, circuses and zoos as well as stray animals.
1 VITA is a non-profit charity organisation for animals’ rights.
2 Its objectives are many, the ban of testing medicine and cosmetic products on animals, better living conditions for farm animals, animals in zoos and circuses and also to help and give food to stray cats and dogs.
3 Its main activity is to make people aware of the plight of suffering animals through campaigning or taking part in radio and television programmes.
4 It works with the government to try to introduce new animal welfare laws.
5 In 2008, VITA took a number of stars to a trip in an attempt to stop the killing of some newborn Greenland seals. Its success was the ban on hunting baby seals.
1 victories
2 decent
3 assistance
4 plight
5 roam
I learnt that VITA is a non-profit charity organisation whose aim is to help animals that suffer.
VITA’s main activity is to raise people’s awareness against animal cruelty.
VITA works with the government to introduce new laws for the welfare of animals.
Many celebrities support VITA’s causes.
In 2008, they succeeded in passing a law against the hunting of baby seals.
VITA co-operates with many international organisations for animal rights and is a member of RSPCA.
A: What do you believe we can do to protect animals?
В: I believe, the first thing people should do is to raise other people’s awareness against animal cruelty.
A: How can we do that?
B: Well, by organising campaigns or by giving lectures.
A: That’s true. How about raising money to help animals in need?
B: That’s a great idea! In my opinion another thing that will help is to try and find a home for the stray cats and dogs or at least help and feed them.
A: I agree. What about the animals in circuses or those who are subject to testing for medicine or cosmetic products?
B: Well, that’s a difficult one! We need to put pressure on the government to change the laws.
VITA is a non-profit charity organisation whose aim is to protect animals and promote animals’ rights.
They fight for the ban on testing medicine and cosmetic products on animals. They try to improve living conditions for farm animals, animals in zoos and circuses and also to help and give food to stray cats and dogs. Its main activity is to make people aware of the suffering of animals through campaigning or taking part in radio and television programmes. They work with the government to try to introduce new animal welfare laws and co-operate with other international charity organisations. They are also a member ofRSPCA.
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