Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 5e

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I’d like to invent something to improve people’s lives.
I think William invented something to improve people’s lives.
1 The reason William and his sisters used kerosene lamps.
2 The reason William left school.
3 What William achieved in 8 weeks.
4 How Bryan Meeler heard about William.
5 The use of the word ‘asset’in the text.
6 What William is doing now.
7 What William’s mother does.
8 The author’s purpose.
1 В huddle around … faint light … to read and study
2 C didn’t have enough money to afford the tuition fees
3 A two months … windmill … supplied enough power to light four small light bulbs …
4 C news … spread … blogs and newspaper articles … heard
5 C to his country
6 D currently studying for a degree in America
7 C mother has no choice but to walk three hours … every day
8 В whole text
spare: afford
caught: captured
at present: currently
bright: shining
intending: aiming
stop: drop out
made known: spread
lack of food: starvation
1 dropped/tuition
2 up
3 cover/captured
4 faint
5 survive
6 supply
7 offered
8 shining
1 Billy hurt his knee when he tripped and fell over his brother’s toy car. The standard of teaching at this school is the best in the country.
2 I had to give away my concert tickets because I had the flu.
3 I can never reach the top of the bookcase without a ladder. The advert for the new leisure centre caught my attention.
4 The colour of the armchair faded because it was sitting in direct sunlight.
5 Poverty remains a big problem in many countries of the world.
6 Solar panels and wind turbines produce green energy.
7 The university provided accommodation for first year students.
8 Carey is a bright and hardworking student.
1 She offered to help me with my essay.
2 He suggested my studying for a degree.
3 She complained to me that her history lecturer was very boring./She complained that her history lecturer was very boring.
4 Phil denied cheating/having cheated in the exam./ Phil denied that he had cheated in the exam.
5 Ann reminded Jane to hand in her essay that day.
6 He offered to share his book.
7 Bill apologised for copying/having copied her work.
8 He explained that he was late because he missed/ had missed his bus.
I was impressed that William was determined to read and study in order to get a better future.
I was impressed by William’s inventiveness.
I was impressed by William’s determination to make life better for his whole village.
I was impressed that his achievements were recognised and he got offered a scholarship to an American university.
I hope this works. I think I have done everything right. If this works, it will allow me to study at night. There will be no darkness and hunger in the village anymore. I know people think I’m crazy but I am sure it will work.
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