Баранова, Starlight 8. Учебник. Module 6b

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2 D A bully is someone who likes hurting others.
3 I A whinger is someone who complains about everything.
4 L A killjoy is someone who stops others enjoying themselves.
5 H A snob is someone who thinks they’re better than others.
6 В A troublemaker is someone who likes to cause problems.
7 C A scatterbrain is someone who is easily disorganised.
8 К A know-it-all is someone who thinks they know more than others.
9 O A chatterbox is someone who just won’t stop talking.
10 M A bighead is someone who thinks they are very important.
11 F A drama queen is someone who exaggerates their emotions.
12 E A party animal is someone who loves having a good time.
13 О A nosy parker is someone who pries into other people’s business.
14 J A bossy boots is someone who is always telling others what to do.
15 A A steamroller is someone who walks all over others.
I think A is a gossip and we can deal with them by not listening to what they say.
I think В is a steamroller and we can deal with them by standing up for ourselves.
I think C is a know-it-all and we can deal with them by not getting involved in their conversation.
I think D is a whinger and we can deal with them by agreeing with what they say.
I think E is a chatterbox and we can deal with them by interrupting them firmly.
I think F is a drama queen and we can deal with them by reacting as little as possible.
1 A might seem harmless
2 D often just want a little bit of sympathy
3 A exaggerating
4 D complain about everything … it doesn’t matter how trivial or bizarre
5 F exaggerate everything
6 В it is essential to be calm … so that they don’t get even angrier
7 F by taking an interest … you are just encouraging them
8 C they can have valuable opinions
9 E are sociable and often have big hearts
10 C dominate conversations
11 E you cannot get a word in edgeways
12 C tries to make other people feel small
13 A usually dies down quickly when no one wants to listen
14 D They … dismiss every solution you come up with
15 В they want … for you to be afraid of them
harmless (adj): not likely to cause any problems
take delight in (phr): to really enjoy
exaggerate (v): to make sth seem better/worse than it is
process (n): a series of actions that lead to an end (in the
process (phr): while doing sth)
direct (adj): straight; honest
die down (phr v): to become less
contribute (v): to say sth; to add
hostile (adj): unfriendly
aggressive (adj): having a violent attitude; destructive
without a second thought (phr): (doing sth) without thinking
intimidate (v): to make sb feel threatened
admit (v): to agree, often unwillingly
assertive (adj): stating needs/opinions clearly; confident
back down (phr v): to give in to sb’s demands
dominate (v): to control sb or sth
neutral (adj): neither positive nor negative
issue (n): topic; subject
drag (into) (v): (of an argument) to make sb become involved in it
couldn’t care less (phr): to have no interest in sth
trivial (adj): minor; unimportant
bizarre (adj): strange; weird
downside (n): the negative aspect to sth
dismiss (v): to decide sth is unimportant & stop thinking about it
moan (v): to complain
handle (v): to deal with
interrupt (v): to start talking when sb else is talking
firmly (adv): in a controlled but forceful way
life-threatening (adj): very dangerous (in a way that might kill sb)
take an interest (phr): to become interested in sth/sb
triumph (n): success
tragedy (n): sad event
The author’s purpose is to inform and advise.
Clauses of purpose – so as to/in order to/so that
Clauses of result – so/such (a) … that, as a result
Clauses of reason – because, since/as, the reason for/the reason why
Clauses of manner – as if (he/she) was/had + pp
The gossip will often try to find out what you know in order to tell someone else, (clause of purpose)
It is essential to be calm when dealing with a steamroller so that they don’t get even angrier, (clause of purpose)
… they don’t listen to what you have to say and as a result it’s impossible to get anything done around them (clause of result)
1 due to the fact that
2 such a
3 in order to
4 as though
5 so that
A: I know a person who is a gossip. He always talks about other people and asks me what I know to gossip about with someone else. I try not to say anything, but sometimes I say things without realising it.
B: You should try and avoid him. If he starts gossiping to you, make him understand that you aren’t interested in hearing his gossip so that he can get the message loud and clear.
A bossy boots is someone who likes telling people what to do and how to do it. They like to be in charge and they like things done just how they like it. If you find yourself in the company of a bossy boots, the best thing to do is to stand up for yourself. If you think simply doing what a bossy boots wants is the easy answer, you’re wrong. If you let them get their own way even once, they’ll just keep on doing it. No matter what the task, you should try and reach a compromise every time. Either share the work or agree that one of you will do it this time and the other will do it next time.
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